He Calms You Down (Wolfgang Novogratz)

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You would swear the only thing men have is nerve, audacity, gall.

"Hey Y/N, what's up?" Laine (y/BFF) walked in on you pacing up and down her living room. She had invited you guys over with a bunch of friends for a karaoke night. Being her best friend you were there early to help set up, however your day had been dampened by a certain someone.

"Your insipid friend Trevor Jameson."

"Insipid? 'So Undercover' again?" Well he is devoid of character since he finds joy in other people's misery and anger.

"Miley Cyrus is the air I breathe and also hardly the point right now Laine." You said picking up an apple from her counter and angrily biting into it.

"What did OUR friend Trevor do?" She has the nerve to say "our" like you brought him into your lives. You couldn't help but wish Laine had better taste in men sometimes.

"Ugh, it's about Wolfgang." You sighed plopping down on her couch in frustration.

"Babe I told you to stop listening to people who have dumb stuff to say about you and Wolfgang." you definitely have a history of overreacting when people disrespect your relationship, but this time round you are justified. Trevor was being an asshat.

"I know but this time it wasn't him just going after my relationship. he went after my career."

"Dear Lord, now I'm worried." She better be, how dare he come after you and everything you've worked for.

"Apparently, we're not talented enough for this industry and we certainly don't work hard enough to be cast in anything. According to him our careers are entirely carried by our publicised relationship." That wasn't even a choice, it was an annoying side effect of the industry and the popularity of your current jobs. If it were up to you, you'd disappear to some cottage in New Zealand or a Villa in Kenya, never to be seen again except in film and tv once a year.

"How about we don't tell Wolfgang this?" She thinks Wolfgang is the threat? Wow just when you thought your best friend knew you. He practically insinuated that, we stumbled into roles before we started dating.

"Oh no, I'm the one Trevor needs to worry about." You then took another aggressive bite of your stolen apple. A few chews in, you heard foot steps coming from your left, then heard a soothing familiar voice say.

"What did Trevor do and why don't we want to tell Wolfgang?" Wolfgang really had this way of mesmerising you when he walked into a room, however the trance was soon broken by your anger. Stupid Trevor making it hard for you to admire your boyfriend.

"It's Y/N's fight Wolfgang." The first time she's said something helpful today. As they say, a broken clock is right at least twice a day so let's hope the next time she's right is as opportune as this one.

"Meaning she's going to fight dirty if you don't tell me." You were about to protest when the one voice you were dreading echoed in the room.

"If it isn't Hollywood's new young power couple. How's it going Brennifer?" Trevor.

"Jameson if you don't leave now, you're not making it to the Emmy's this year." Your glare travelled from your boyfriend to the true target of your aggression. If he doesn't listen to Wolfgang, then he better enjoy learning things the hard way.

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