How you meet (Ethan Dolan)

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It's Friday morning and your best friend set you up on a blind date. Even though you really want to bail, Y/F/N convinced you it was going to be worth it. So with the hope that it wouldn't be a terrible experience you get out of bed to get ready for the day. While looking through your closet, you thought about what would work as a school and date outfit so you wouldn't have to change.
You finally landed on this.

You finally landed on this

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"I think I look good." You say running your hand through your braids in the mirror. You pick up your phone to check the time when you notice how much time you spent choosing an outfit. "Oh sh*t I'm gonna be late." 

Sprinting down the stairs you noticee your mom sitting in the kitchen sipping her coffee but can't stop to spend time so you yell a quick "Love you bye mom!" Then  rush off in your car to school.

As soon as you arrive you start running recklessly through the halls to make it to class on time. In your panicked state you end up bumping into a tall brick like figure that definitely made a sound upon impact. walls don't grunt, you look up and see the last person you wanted to see looking flustered and sweaty. Ethan Dolan. Like hottest boy in school, Ethan Dolan. Like you've had a crush on him since grade 5, Ethan Dolan. This causes you to freeze in place, when he reaches over to touch your shoulder, you immediately kneel to pick up the books that fell in the collision.

"Y/N... you okay?" You look up to see that he's knelt beside you helping you. SAY SOMETHING!

"Uh... yeah here you go" you finally say giving him his English notebook.

"Sorry for bumping into you there, Grayson always tells me how clumsy I can be." Ethan says taking his book and picking up the other 2 off the floor. All you could bring yourself to do was chuckle and nod. It wasn't even his fault, you were the one trying to be Jesse Quick in a high school hallway. Seriously girl? You talk all the time. Say something.

"I'll see you around Y/N." he gently takes your hand in his to help you off the floor. 

"See ya around Ethan." You waved him off, when he turned the corner you immediately groaned in embarrassment. How did you find yourself standing right in front of him and only muster up 2 sentences? If you can even call them full sentences.

School was a drag and the last thing you want to do is embarrass yourself in front of another boy. You're just ready for the weekend to start, so you can put this whole week behind you. When you got home you called Y/F/N.

"Hey miss thang." Y/F/N sang through the phone. You put her on speaker while unpacking your bag onto your desk.

"Hey girl." You replied organizing your notebooks and textbooks when you notice, Ethan Dolan English Lit, plastered across one of them. Oh no, you were so enthralled, you gave him the wrong book. I guess I can only do chem on Monday.

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