You are both famous (Cameron Dallas)

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Tonight is the VMA's and you are nominated for 3. You and Cameron have been excited about it. Also having recently gone public with your relationship it would be your 1st Red Carpet event together.

You are very new on the scene and Cameron has been helping you handle the fame side of your career very well. Your manager and the rest of your team can only do so much and there were a lot of things you weren't mentally prepared for outside of having fans.

One of the main things that he had to guide you through was the sudden lack privacy that came soon after your single was released earlier this year. You had started talking to him on Twitter after he commented on one of your posts about having to overthink your tweets and Instagram posts, since the sudden rise in your following.

Talking to Cameron was so easy that you often forgot that just last year you were a fan girl and now you're his girlfriend.

"Are you guys ready? They need you on the carpet in less than hour and you know how traffic gets on nights like these." Cameron's publicist yells from across the room

"I'm ready but you know how Cameron is." You reply walking towards the door.

"Hey you started getting ready before me." He yelled from the bathroom.

"And yet I had a lot more to do. You don't know half of what's going on under this dress right now." You yelled back at him.

"Touché..." he said walking out of the bathroom looking very dapper. "But I'll find out before the night is over" he winked

Goodness this boy is gorgeous. There was no way you were gonna let him see that you fell for that ridiculous pick up line... even though you did.

"Haha," you said sarcastically "I'm so amused."

"Don't act like you didn't choose my ass. You get the good and the bad sweetie." He replied offering me his hand.

"Of course, and I would choose your ass everytime babe." You replied kissing his cheek.

"Okay, okay love birds we gotta go." Your manager said opening the door for you both to leave the hotel room.

As you walk out the hotel you are swarmed by fans and paparazzi all asking for photos and information about you relationship. This became overwhelming for you because you're still finding your footing in the industry and the flashing lights of the cameras with the constant assault of questions aren't something you're used to yet.

"You never get used to it but you will be okay babe don't worry. I got you" Cameron whispered in your ear before getting into the SUV. No matter what he says Cameron's voice always calms you down.

"Thank you Cam, I appreciate that" you replied when you were both in the SUV. "This whole thing just has me nervous, I'm still so new to this and I'm nominated tonight. That's a big deal, I'm just hoping I don't do or say the wrong thing."

"The best way to get through it is just to be yourself, because no matter what the outcome is. At least you'll know whoever's on your side is there for you as you are. Just like me and your team." He said squeezing your hand a little, while smiling at you. You looked into his eyes and just saw the sincerity in them. You couldn't helped but smile at him because no one has ever made you feel as safe as he does.

You didn't win that night but Cameron and your friends made the night so much fun you weren't even thinking about the awards. All that mattered was that you were dancing with your best friends and the man you loved.

P.S he did find out what was going on under that dress before the night was over😜

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