Your sister gets arrested (Rick Flag)

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You stormed through the sterile doors of the police station, flats pounding a furious rhythm against the polished floor. 

You had your phone clutched so tightly, your knuckles would've paled had you been white. You knew your sister could be stupid and reckless, but this... 

Pushing through another set of double doors, you found yourself in a small waiting room. Y/S/N, perched on a metal chair, looked like a kicked puppy. Her mascara was smudged, and her usually vibrant pink hair looked dull under the harsh fluorescent lights. 

"Well done idiot." You said marching across the room to sit next to her.

"It was a supposed to be a prank Y/N." She whined, in the same tone she used when she'd piss your parents off. "How was I supposed to know campus police would show up?" 

You wanted to be shocked that she was acting so entitled in a real crisis, but you knew the family had set her up. She was the youngest daughter, you and everyone else had been bailing her out since she was born. No one ever thought about how much it was hurting her, until right now of course.

"I'm not trying to enable this behaviour, but you have to prepare for doing dumb shit." You bumped her shoulder, trying to cheer her up. "Like... cozying up to campus police to get their patrol schedule and route."

"Sounds like someone who's done this before." She smiled tucking her stray braids behind her ears. You chuckled.

"Ironically enough no, but I'm not an idiot like my sister."

"I'm sorry!" She playfully protests. 

The door opens behind you and a flicker of movement caught your eye. A tall, broad-shouldered man in a rumpled military uniform hurried across the station, his face grim. He scanned the room, his gaze sharp enough to dissect diamonds. A thrill shot through you, momentarily distracting you from Y/S/N's predicament. 

There was something undeniably captivating about him – the way he carried himself with a quiet authority, the hint of danger lurking beneath the surface. His dark hair was cropped short, highlighting a strong jawline, and the dark circles under his eyes hinted at a life filled with sleepless nights and high stakes. 

This wasn't your typical suit-wearing cop. This was a man who'd seen things, done things most people wouldn't dare to imagine. And for some inexplicable reason, that made him incredibly attractive.

"Mom!" You heard, the rugged man yell.

You shook your head to try and focus on the serious matter at hand.

"You'll be more sorry when I take you home." You reprimanded, "Mom and dad paid out their asses to keep you enrolled after this stunt."

"You called them?" she asked incredulously.

"Are you dense?" You almost punched her in the face. You had always been the most patient of your siblings especially with Y/S/N, but this was ridiculous. "You got arrested on campus asshole!"

Frustration simmered in her eyes. "Okay, fine," she conceded with a dramatic sigh. "But Elijah could've-"

The mere mention of his name sent a jolt through you, a cocktail of anger and humiliation. Elijah, the charming yet suffocating ex-boyfriend who'd not only cheated on you, but then tried to win you back with a public display of affection on national TV.  

It wasn't sweet, it was manipulative, and you were the only one who could see through his grandiose display. Before you could think it through, you slammed your hand on the table.

"How dare you?" You felt a surge of anger, a familiar heat rising in your chest. More angry at the fact that he still had the power to wind you up even when he wasn't around you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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