First date (Jack Johnson)

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Your first date with Jack Johnson started off so well, but as things got a little worse it seemed like fate was conspiring against the both of you.

You and Jack have been in a flirtationship for a good 3 months so he thought it would be a good idea to go on a date to see if the feelings between you two were worth exploring. He asked you to meet him in the park at 2pm on Saturday, he asked you to dress warm and comfortable enough to move around. Not that you knew what that meant

Saturday afternoon rolled by faster than you expected and you started getting nervous. You live closer to the park so you made yourself comfortable on the park swing while waiting for Jack to show up. After about 5 minutes you saw him walking towards you and you both waved.

"You look beautiful, but I guess you always do." He said, not gonna lie that was kind of cute.

"I'm already here no need to try and convince me to stay. I'm here to get to know you, differently." You replied. He sat on the swing next to yours as you started talking about your friends and families. In a way that was so different to how you guys used to talk about family.

"Wait, he really did that?" You asked laughing as he told you a story about a prank his brother pulled on him 2 weeks ago.

"Yeah I don't think my family will ever let me live it down."

"At least it didn't happen in a public place, the embarrassment may have killed you." You said still giggling a little and he nudged your swing away with his foot. A silence fell between you two and it was filled with the tension only a first date could cause. You were both incredibly nervous and it permeated the park.

"Would you be sad if that were the case? I mean if I just died that day?" He asked a little mischievously. He may have felt like it broke the ice but, that question was melting it slowly and with precision.

"Not sure. I didn't really know you 2 weeks ago. If it happened tomorrow my answer might be different." You answered him with a small smile on your face. He smiled in response and that's when you knew, even if he didn't ask for a second date you definitely would.

You talked for a while longer and got to know him so much more. You also realised how much you have in common. He was laughing at a story you were telling when you felt a raindrop. "Was that rain or is it just me?" He asked

"No I felt it too, should we get going?" You said getting up and walking away from the park. Just before we left the park gates it started raining a little harder. "Oh I was not prepared for rain."

"Really it was in the forecast." He replied as you both started walking a bit faster towards a coffee shop that was about a block away

"So why on Earth did you decide to have this date outside?" You asked, deciding to try and outrun the rain now.

"There's a lot more to do outside, I didn't think a little rain could stop us from having some fun" he said as he picked you up and started spinning you around in his arms. You were slowly getting drenched in rain, but a small part of you didn't want it to end.

"Stop, stop, stop. You're making me dizzy." you said giggling.

"See how much I'm learning about you in the rain?" He asked putting you down, but keeping his arms wrapped firmly around your waist.

"Yeah, but will it be worth it when we get a cold?" You asked, trying but failing to escape his grip.

"I haven't decided yet." He replied grabbing your hand and running to the coffee shop you were looking for, because it started pouring with rain. When you got to the coffee shop you were cold and wet, while he was just cold because he actually had a raincoat on while your coat was not built for rain. "You can switch out your coat for my raincoat if you want..."

"If you do that we'll both get sick. I'm the idiot that didn't check the weather." You replied.

"Thought I was the idiot who was trying to be romantic in the home stretch." He said taking of his jacket and handing it to you but letting his hand stay surrounding yours as his raincoat lay between your hands. "Besides, shouldn't I decide whether or not you're worth getting a cold for?"

"I guess" you said looking at your intertwined hands. His hand was warm and you wanted to leave your hand there but you were starting to shiver

"You should put the coat on. You're going to freeze." Jack said breaking you out of your daydream. After putting his raincoat on you could just feel his warmth and smell his scent surround you. "You warm enough?" He asks gently taking your hands in his

"Uh... yeah thanks." You replied hoping he didn't notice you being really weird about wearing his jacket.

"Good, you wanna order some coffee? Or maybe a muffin?" He asked walking you both to the ordering counter. You both ordered coffees and shared a muffin while spending more time in each other's company that afternoon. You shared a few moments and even forgot about making sure the rain had stopped. 3 hours had passed when you both realised you needed to get home.

He walked you right up to your door before asking "If I asked you to kiss me would that ruin our moment?"

"Normally I'd say yes but I'll make an exception for you." He chuckled at your response then proceeded to lean in. When you lips met you felt fireworks go off in your belly and heard birds chirping. It was such a beautiful moment that you wish you could bottle it all up and admire it daily.

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