Meeting Each Other's Families Part 2 (Jake Donlan)

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"Mom this is too much." You couldn't help but notice the overwhelming amount of food options set around the kitchen. She really went all out

"Oh come on, sweetie. It's just a few lights and a table setting." Is she serious? This is a feast and a table setting fit for a film shoot. Gatsby, Titanic, cheesy romcom level.

"Yes, and so is a wedding. Not to mention all the food you made, I mean wow." You were still shocked at the amount of effort your mom was putting into this night.

"Well we want to make a good first impression, don't we?" There's making an impression and then there's just straight up planning a proposal. Is Jake finna propose or something?

"That's very sweet of you Y/M/N but your cooking is impression enough." Jake chimed in, charmer🙄

"I already know you Jake, no need to try charm me again."

"I know but I'm hoping my charms will mean getting a third helping of food to take home in a doggy bag." There it is, Jake thinking with his stomach once again.

"Oh, you silly boy." How sweet of her to react jokingly, we both know he's being serious.

"He's not joking mama." She let out a giggle before replying,

"Unfortunately, I believe you baby."

"Do you need help with anything before the Donlans get here?" You asked already getting the good cutlery from the cabinet. You knew what was coming.

"Yeah, help me set up the dishing area then you guys can pour yourselves some wine or champagne."

"Oh my goodness. I would marry you right now, so I know I can spend all my time at your mom's house." Maybe she is planning a proposal... You didn't notice Jake asking for your ring size anytime recently so he's most likely being silly, but man this entire dinner is entirely too much

"You having a crush on my mom, is the least surprising thing about you and that should seriously worry me."

"And yet, you still love me." A whole fool. You rolled your eyes at his comment but he was right. You were brought out of your daydream when you heard Jake gasp and laugh.

"You two will do anything to get out of doing actual work." Your mom had thrown a dish towel at him to get you 2 to focus again.

"See. She gets me Y/N. It's true love." Jake said going to give your mom a hug. She Jackie Chan'd his hug and said

"If you don't help me set up this buffet table, I will get you and you won't be able to say true love. Let alone experience it." Momma isn't playing games anymore. You giggled at her reaction and went back to setting up the buffet your mom made.

"Yes ma'am."

When you and Jake finished setting up, you started to pour yourselves wine while your mom went in to check on dessert.

"Jake? Y/N? We're following these beautiful lights, are we supposed to?" Oh lord, it's Jake's mom. You were quaking in your boots trying not to freak out but meeting parents doesn't get any easier.

"Mom? Yes mom follow the lights!" She and her husband emerge from the trees leading into tour backyard and you are greeted with smiles and hugs from both his parents.

"Hi darling. This place is beautiful. Y/N your mom has done an exquisite job."

"She'll have to tell us who her planner was for the evening."

"Good thing the planner is walking out right now. Y/M/N, nice to meet you both." You swear your mom has super sonic hearing sometimes, her timing is always impeccable.

"Wow this was all your handy work?" His dad asked taking in the beautiful setting she created again

"Yes, party planning is not only my job, but my hobby too."

"Well this has shown us that we will be spending more than enough time together. Especially if those two ever tie the knot." Jake's face immediately turns red from his mom's comment. No pressure there...

"Okay mom, let's not get ahead of ourselves." He said nudging her a little. She immediately went for a side hug.

"Sorry sweetheart."

"Please, make yourselves comfortable. Wine, champagne, soft drinks or water?" You finally offered. Already going for the Rosé, you remembered Jake saying his mom was a fan.

"I would love a glass of that Rosé talking to me right now." Your mom chimed

"My mom loves Rosé, so yes it is in fact speaking to her right now."

"Then you are right about us getting along." Jakes mom added heading towards the table.

You all sat down at the table to get know each other, and your parents spent the evening sharing embarrassing stories about you and Jake. All in all the dinner was a success and the hour drive was worth it.

"I think we should call it, mom this was amazing thank you so much for this."

"Yes thank you Y/M/N. We had fun and the food was incredible."

"You both are too kind, and both welcome by anytime. Don't become strangers now that you're independent."

"Ha Ha, so funny mom."

"Goodnight Y/M/N."

You both head to the car and since you and Jake's dad were the only one's not drinking, you were the designated driver for the drive home.
"I'd say you did a pretty good job impressing my mom tonight." You said reaching for his hand.

"You definitely did a great job impressing my parents tonight. My mom is gushing about you on iMessage." That shocked you a little since meeting parents is always a nerve wracking experience for you. You couldn't tell if she could even get an option about you because you were so nervous.

"Aww, what is she saying?" He started to read the message aloud.

"If you ever let her go I'm disowning you. Also if you ever break her heart I'm coming after you darling. Girls like her heaven sent." Wow, guess you made an impression.

"Damn... I knew we'd get along💁🏾‍♀️ better not break my heart then Donlan." You said squeezing his hand. He picked your hand up and kissed it before saying

"Wouldn't dream of it babe."

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