You mention your famous ex Jacob Elordi (KJ Apa)

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You and KJ decided to stay in for the day because of the cold weather, and the fact that he hadn't had a day off in 2 months. He had just wrapped on season 3 of Riverdale and was now preparing for the press tour, he had a day off before heading on the tour with the rest of the cast.

You're both laying on the couch going through Netflix when KJ gets a text.

"The guys just asked if I could go to the studio for the day." KJ said

"I mean if you really wanna go, we can hang out when you're done with your press tour." You replied, knowing how much he loves going to the studio and writing music with his band.

"Really? Because this is the first time in 2 months that we've been able to do this." He asked, you could tell he didn't want you to be mad but he also really wanted to go to the writing session with his mates.

"Really, I'm still gonna be here when you get back babe." You replied taking the remote and sitting up straight.

"How did I get you?" He asked looking at you.

"I don't know, I often have that same thought." You replied with a smirk.

"Hey! Don't be so mean." He said, chuckling. He started preparing to leave and when he came back to the lounge to say goodbye, you said.

"You know? With you gone, I can start watching Euphoria." You say as he walks out of his room towards the door.

"What? I thought we were gonna watch that together." he said in shock.

"Aren't you supposed to be on your way to the studio?" You asked looking at him and seeing his shocked expression.

"I was, but now you're gonna watch Euphoria without me. I cannot allow it." He said sitting back down next to you and making himself comfortable under you blanket.

"You cannot allow it? Okay why are you using language you'd only find in a Riverdale script?" You asked pulling the blanket off him.

"Well I have done 3 seasons of the show so... don't change the subject we were supposed to watch that together." He replied pulling the blanket back over himself.

"Do you really wanna watch Euphoria with me? Won't it be weird to watch a show that my ex is on?" you asked turning towards him fully.

"Your ex? Devon isn't an actor" He asked with confusion written all over his face

"You didn't know Jacob Elordi and I were dating before I met you?" His confusion quickly turned back into shock.

"What? Really? No, of course I didn't know"

"I thought you did, that's why I didn't tell you about him. We were quite public too." You replied turning back towards the tv, and scrolling through your recorded series.

"You know better than anyone that I don't keep up with that stuff."

"Sorry bubs, I'll keep you in the loop next time. So does that mean you're definitely going to the studio?"

"Nah, I'll stay here and watch Grimm with my girlfriend. Euphoria is not a show we are watching together." He replied taking the remote from you and going into your joint Netflix account.

"So now what am I going to say when Algee asks me about the show?" You asked as he starts playing Grimm from season 3, where you had left off.

"You dated him too?"

"No! Gosh no, we're just friends. We've been friends forever. I know I definitely told you that."

"I know but this Jacob Elordi thing got me spooked." After he said this you grab his face in your hands, look him in the eye and say

"KJ, I'm with you and I love you. Jake and I didn't work out and I'm very over him. Okay?"


"Good. Now I know for fact you want to go to the studio with the guys, so just go babe." you say before giving him a quick kiss.

"Okay, fine. I love you." He said before kissing you.

"And I love you." You replied as he left.

As soon as the door closed you started looking for Euphoria again. You knew Algee wouldn't ask you about the show. You just love Zendaya too much to not watch this show.

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