He Has A Crush On You (Tom Holland)

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You are on set filming the last scene of the day. You noticed Tom was a little distracted, but he was still doing an amazing job.

Tom was pacing up and down the living room set, running his hands through his hair. "I wish I never told you, how you make me feel."

"You think I ran because I don't feel the same way?" You reply offended at his statement, you grab his arm to stop his pacing and pull him to face you. "I was terrified, I've loved you since we were 10." You and Tom stare into each other's eyes for a moment, you mentally count '1, 2, 3' and he grabs your face to kiss you as rehearsed.

"Cut! That's a wrap for today folks! Tom could I talk to you for a moment about tomorrow's scenes?"

"Sure Kev, I'll see you in the morning Y/N." He brings you in for a warm hug for a few moments. You couldn't tell but he was savouring it, taking in your scent and the fabric of your free flowing linen dress (actually wardrobe's linen dress). You tentatively started letting go because you started noticing this hug was getting long and maybe something was wrong with Tom. You decided to call him later so he can try to focus for his conversation with Kev.

"Bye Tom" you waved walking away. After you turned around completely, he just kept staring at your hair, the way your dress flowed in the wind and how-

"Tom? Ay Tom! What are you staring at?" Every time he looked at you his mind wandered and you never noticed.

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it. What did you want to talk about?" Kevin looked unconvinced by his answer but let it go so he could understand what's been going on with him.

"Are you alright? You seem uneasy around Y/N."

"In general or just today?" He was starting to panic.

"In general... Tom calm down, I'm just checking on you." Kevin replied placing a reassuring hand on Tom's shoulder.

"I guess nerves are getting in the way a little. Y/N is great and very talented, so I'm slightly intimidated."

"Intimidated? Tom, are you getting a crush?"

"No, of course not. No, Y/N and I are colleagues, friends at most." Tom started flustering a little, he really didn't want it to be weird but it may be too late for that.

"Tom, Y/N is talented but this is her first acting job. I'd also like to add that you've worked with far too many talented actors to act like you're too intimidated to perform."

"Okay, I'm not intimidated but I promise it isn't a crush. I'll get it together by tomorrow."

"Good, I'm hoping to see more of the magic you both gave us in the chemistry reads." That magic came from how mesmerised he was by you. He knows he can't use that feeling in all your scenes.

He drove into his into his parking space, exhausted from the long shooting day. He sighed and lazily got out the car when his phone started vibrating in his jacket. Y/N was calling... suddenly he was nervous all over again.

"Y/N... What's up?"

"Nothing much just checking on you. You seemed a little off today."

"I'm fine, more than fine actually, I'm splendid. No need to worry about this splendid chap." He replied walking to the elevator of his apartment building. Thank God no one was around to hear that.

"As weird as that clearly was, I'm gonna take your word for it since you don't want to unpack it now." Thank God his terrible save worked, didn't do much for his feelings though because now he could add intuitive to the list of reasons you're perfect. "What did Kev have to say about tomorrow?"

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