You break up (Nate Maloley)

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You and Nate have been dating for just over a year now and you started getting more nervous around him. You are saving yourself for marriage but you know Nate was sexually active before he met you. You're literally waiting for the day he breaks up with you over it. You've never fought about it but it still worries you a lot. The one and only time you brought it up with him, he was very reassuring but people change and he could thinks it's okay now but 3, 4, 5 months from now that could all change.

Today seemed to be like every other day except it isn't. You walk into Nate's house and see him watching basketball on his couch as always. But something is different today even in the way you greet him. "Hey Nate, can we talk" You never call him Nate unless something's wrong and he knows that.

"What's wrong babe? Come here." He says pulling you into an embrace.

"I don't know how to say this because no matter how I say it you'll be mad..." you said looking at the ground.

"Did you hook up with another guy?" He asked stepping back a bit. It wasn't like he was your first kiss or anything but you would never even consider cheating on him.

"No I didn't cheat on you." You replied reassuringly

"If you didn't cheat, why are you so serious? What's got you upset?" He asked even more concerned

"I love you Nate but, I don't think I can do this anymore. Maybe we need some time apart. I just feel like I'm holding you back from so many things. You need to be able to live your life and be completely satisfied with who you decide to be with. I'm leaving so you can live." With that you kissed him on the cheek and started to walk out. He gently took your arm and tried to turn you around but you couldn't look at him.

"Is this about sex? I already told you it doesn't bother me. I want to wait for you." he asked trying to get you to look at him

"That's one of the reasons but you're also a celebrity Nate I just feel like being with someone in your industry would be better for you."

"Are you seriously trying to use the fame card. Y/N I love you, I chose you and I will always choose you. Please don't do this? What happened to me and you against the masses?" He asked sounding like he was choking back a few tears.

"I know it's hard right now but we will grow and be happy we ended things sooner rather than later." With that you left. You cried loud and hard the entire way home and the rest of the weekend.

That weekend you got 11 missed calls from Nate's friends 15 texts from Sam, 22 texts from the Jacks and 5 from his mom. Everyone was just so confused and worried about the both of you.  You couldn't bring yourself to answer any of them because you knew you had just broken his heart but you also knew that it was the best decision for both of you before something happened that would make this heartbreak more painful and unbearable.

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