Meeting each other's families part 1 (Jake Donlan)

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You and Jake have been in a relationship for 7 months as of last week. You both realised that even though you had spoken to each other's parents you haven't met each other's families formally so you decided it would be a good idea to have a group get together.

"Babe are you sure you want our parents to meet each other?" Jake asked, you could tell he was really nervous

"It's probably really stupid but at least by the time we get married this won't be awkward." You replied getting into the car.

"You see us getting married?"

"You don't?"

"Of course I do. We've just never been so blunt about it." You were headed to your parents house because your mom wanted to try and create an 8 small course meal to spark her creativity.

"I am so ready for your mom's cooking. I always think about it when my mom gets in the kitchen." Jake said as you turned into your street. Your mom brought a home cooked meal to you during exams and Jake was there so you ended up sharing even though he wasn't the one having to deal with university exams.

"Oh come on Jake she isn't... well at least... I mean the last time... Never mind, I'm sorry." You replied, really not helping the situation.

"You couldn't even  try to fake it? Come on Y/N, she's my mom after all."

As you pulled into your driveway you noticed your mom had really gone all out to make sure the house looked presentable. "Mom! Why does the house look like the perfect venue for a rose ceremony on the Bachelor?" You shouted as you walked to the backyard.

 "Mom! Why does the house look like the perfect venue for a rose ceremony on the Bachelor?" You shouted as you walked to the backyard

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"Don't ask like that babe, she's put in a lot of effort for you

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"Don't ask like that babe, she's put in a lot of effort for you." Jake said putting his arm around you as you walked in through the back door that led straight to the kitchen.


So this is based on actual events in my life. My best guy friend and I went to our matric dance together so our families had a get together the night before the dance and it was really fun. (matric dance is the equivalent to an American senior prom).

Also apologies to Yes Lad fans who know Jake Donlan's family info because I couldn't find very much.

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