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~3rd person Point of View~

~Moments before chapter 1~3 years old~

"Mom~, can I go outside?!" (Y/N) pleaded grabbing her Mothers winter skirt trying to get her attention.

"Sure honey, just don't be out for to long. We are soon going to grandma and grandpa's house to celebrate Christmas" her Mother sighed in a tired tone.

"Yay! Thank you Mom!" (Y/N) clapped happily. (Y/N) started running towards the door leading outside her Mother following her close behind. When they reached the door (Y/N)'s Mother helped (Y/N) get her winter coat and shoes on, when (Y/N)'s Mother was done (Y/N) turned to her Mother with happy eye's before hugging her Mom.

"Thank you again Mom! I promise I won't be late!" (Y/N) smiled happily as her Mother opened the door with a happy jumping (Y/N) going outside to the winter wonderland. (Y/N)'s Mother followed her child with her eyes as (Y/N) rushed over to the gates that lead outside, opening them and closing them behind her.

"I'm glad she is still happy" her Mother said smiling closing the front door going inside. Once inside (Y/N)'s Mother instantly frowned holding in her tears before breaking down.

In the Mother tears she threw out some short sentence, including "He's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone" and "it's her fault her fault her fault"

~4 years old~

"And on this present it reads "To: (Y/N). From: Slenderman" Ah, seems like this one is for you (Y/N)!" Splederman smiled handing (Y/N) her Christmas gift. (Y/N) stared at the gift as it got delivered to her with big eyes, and without any hesitation she opened up the miniature present.

"Father, what am I supposed to do with this?" (Y/N) questioned picking up a tape-recorder from the pile of gift paper on the floor.

"Oh you see (Y/N), I thought you might find great use in having somewhere to get things out off your chest. And this might be very useful if what you tell it is something you don't want anyone else hearing! Plus you can listen to it again and again as many times as you would like afterwards" Slenderman said professionally going over to his child picking her up into his arms.

"So like a Diary?" Rainbow- Factory stated looking at Slender with a questionable look.

"Well yes, you can call it that as well" Slenderman said turning his face towards Raindow-Factory's direction.

"In my opinion Diaries are pretty useless sense someone could easily steal it and just tell behind their back what the person wrote or said. Buuuuttttt I thing little (Y/N) will have much use of it, yes won't you?" Pinkamena said in a baby voice making a face making (Y/N) giggle.

"Thank you Dad!" (Y/N) sang happily hugging Slenderman as he hugged back as much as he could.

"She will turn into a fine woman won't she? What do you think Trender?" Offenderman said lying on the floor looking up at Trenderman who was sitting in a sofa.

"Of course she will! With me she will wear the finest clothes everyday, fashion is very important for a young beautiful girl like her!" Trenderman said confidently turning his head in (Y/N) and Slenderman's direction.

"Yeah. Of course she will" Offenderman said turning his head in (Y/N) direction as well.

~7 years old~

"(Y/N), daughter please come into the hallway. I have someone for you to meet" Slenderman thought sending (Y/N) a mental message. Soon enough Slenderman and the boy with a oversized hoodie could hear (Y/N)'s feat echo throw the halls of the mansion.

"Who is waiting for me Father-" (Y/N) started but stopped as soon as she saw the boy in the hallway making the boy pull up the hood over his head hiding his face. "Father. W-Who is he?"

"Ah, there is no need to be afraid (Y/N). This is Hoodie and he is going to stay with us from now on, please come forward and greet him" Slenderman rather ordered (Y/N) in a soft tone as he pushed 'Hoodie' forward towards (Y/N).

(Y/N) took her steps carefully as she approached the boy. When she was just a few centimeters away from 'Hoodie' she first glared at him, but that glare turned quickly into a soft smile as she reached out her hand.

"It's nice to meet you Hoodie! My name is (Y/N) and I'm 7 years old." (Y/N) said happily as she waited for him to shake her hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, (Y-Y/N)? I'm Hoodie and I'm 11 years old" 'Hoodie' said nervously shaking (Y/N)'s hand.

"Yay we are getting along! But I have to warn you, uncle Trender isn't going to be happy with you wearing such a oversized Hood. But good luck with getting him to letting you having that Hoodie on!" (Y/N) giggled mischievously running away.

~13 years old~

(Y/N) was in her room wit her computer opened up not interested with the things going on around her, but all of the suddenness so teleported her Father into the room making (Y/N) jump a bit.

"Oh hi Father, what is it?" (Y/N) said quickly putting the computer down. Slenderman sighed as he started to talk.

"(Y/N), have you forgotten what is going to happen today?" Slenderman stated grabbing her computer with on of his tendrils putting it onto the table (Y/N) had in her room along with her tape-recorder on it.

"Hmmmm, no. I can't remember that something was going to happen today, except if." (Y/N) stopped in the middle of her sentence looking up at her Father with happy and hopeful eyes. "If it is today that you are finally gonna let me to start killing?"

"(Y/N)..." Slenderman sighed turning his head down and a bit to the side, sinolizing that she was wrong with made her hopeful and happy eyes go away. "It is today that I'm bringing in more people into the house hold. Don't you remember when I told you this a few weeks ago?"

(Y/N) froze.

"W-Wait, I-I thought you w-weren-n't s-s-serius. S-So you really a-are bringing i-in new p-p-p-people?" (Y/N) stammered disliking the thought A LOT.

"I wasn't lying dear. Some of them are arriving in an hour, so please clean your room." And with that Slenderman had teleported out of the room leaving a scared and stressed out (Y/N) all alone in her room.


Sorry for making a prologue everyone, but I needed to to both tell you how this book is going to be like but I need to ask a question as well.

So when you, as (Y/N), turns 13 should you be going thru a hard time or should I just stop the book when you turn 13? I personally wanna do so that when you turn 13 you start to develop a mental illness (it's probably gonna turn out to be Depression because I have it in real life so it would be the easiest one to do, plus when you have survived Depression everything gets better over time). But I wanna hear what you as the reader want.

This is technically your story soooo.

Btw for those of you who are reading this chapter right after when I'm realizing it, I'm gonna try to get out the first chapter on the 25th sense that chapter is about Christmas anyways. Which means that next chapter is hopfully coming out tomorrow.

And I'm gonna try in this book to not write a Authors Note at the end of every chpter lol

Anyway, I'm gonna continue write chatper 1 now. Soooooooo


Words count: 1235


《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now