[Chapter 3 - A Play Date]

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"What have I gotten myself into" The suited man said as he pulled you closer to his chest. You tried to make yourself confturbal in the suited man's suit as he and the three other people started talking again. You started to close your eyes following the suited man's breathing which was slow and steady, before you fell asleep you smiled.

"Dad" Your low voice said as sleep took over you.


This chapter did not exsist before


You woke up by feeling someone picking you up from something soft and comfy, you growled and started to open up your eyes. You looked up to see who desturbed your sleep to see that it was the no-faced suit guy.

"Dad~" You smiled as you tried to reach up to his chin. The suited man stopped in his tracks and looked down at you.

"..." He didn't say a word at the name you had given him, he started to walk again.

"Where are you taking me?" You asked turning around to see that you where in some kind of hallway. The suited man didn't answer.

"Not a talker huh? Well no worries! I love talking" You giggled childish, you felt hot air at the back of your neck making you shiver. "So, for how long have you lived here? For long I would guess sense you and your brothers look so old, hehehe~ What's your favorite food? Mine was spagetti and meatballs, but now I like (F/F). Why do you have white skin? Mine is (S/C) as you can see, but I have never seen someone with such skin color nor so tall! How are you and your brothers so tall? Is it because--"

At that moment the suited man turned to a right door way making you almost fly away from his arms, you grabbed ahold of his left arm so you wouldn't fall onto the hard wooden floor. What you saw when you came into the room the suited man turned to was bright but friendly colors, and before you where able to scan the room the suited man picked you up by your collar and placed you down on something warm and fluffy. What looked like to be a big fluffy carpet.

"Splender, borther. Please take care of this human while I do some work, I can't take it with me." The suited man sighed sounding almost tierd.

"Of course brother! This cutie and I will have a lot of fun" Said a chearful voice behind you, you jumped back a bit and turned around to see a kneeled down figure. He also had a black suit but with a red bow, over his suit he had colorful dots and on his face he accually had a face! Well a black smile and black eyes but they changed exspretions now and again, plus he had a black fedora vith a red streak on it.

The suited man walked out of the room leaving you with the colorful man. You where a bit itimatatded by the colorful man so you backed away a bit.

"Aww are you scared of me? I mean no harm, I just want to play with you!" The colorful man smiled as he held out his arms towards you, but you just took in your own arms close to your body. "I guess I could introduse myself then! Okay, I am Splendorman but please call me Splendy~"

"S-Splendy huh?" You said in a cuitius yet quite voice. But by hearing your quite little voice Splendor smiled even more.

"So what do you want to play!? As you can see I've got a lot of toys and other stuff you can play with in my very own room!" Splendor said turning his head around the colorful room, "So, what do you like to do most of the time?"

"W-Well I don't usally get to play so much at home with my M-Mom--" You cut yourself as you mentioned your Mom. Thoughts about your Mother started to dance around in your head, the thoughts of the good times but also about when she would hit you.

"Is everything alright child?" Splender asked in a conserned tone. You shook your head as you got into a ball like form again. You didn't start to shake nor cry, you just closed your eyes so much that they started to hurt a bit. You had mixed feelings about your Mother, because of all the negativity she had given you but also about all of the good things she had done for you. And yet you didn't know what you where supposed to feel about when Zalgo killed her.

Sad? Happy? You where to young to decide.

"You poor thing, here let me hug you." Splendor said as he started to come closer to you and pick you up in his arms into a warm embrace. You tugged onto his suit as small tears started to stream down your face.

After awhile of sitting like this Splendor pulled away and picked up your chin to see your face. When you saw his face you could see that he did not have the big bright smile he had before but he had a sad frown now, and when Splendor saw your face he saw a puffy face with sad eyes and tears streams down you red puffy cheeks.

"Do you know what 'compassion' is child?" Splendor asked reaching for a blanket.

"Compassion? No, I don't." You said quietly.

"Well compassion is one of many wonderful emotions humans are born with. Some humans forget this emotion because the world is to crule on it, but others learn how to use compassion in a good way." Splenor started as he put the blanket around you. "Right now I felt compassion, a emotion that my kind aren't born with but we are able to develop. Compassion is when a person can share the other persons feelings, even tho they do not have a reason to feel that emotion themselvs but they do because they are able to feel compassion."

"So compassion is when you take part of a feeling that is someone else's emotions, even tho you didn't feel those emotions yourself from the start" You said in a relizing voice, a little bit happy even.

"Exactly!" Smiled Splendor. "Now how about that we do something fun istead of sitting here and take leasons about things you already know?"

You giggled and nodded. Splendor smiled at your cute face, and suggested a lot of fun games. You two played together until you got hungry, but little did Splendor know that his suited brother had listend to their convertation.

~Update: You learned about a new emotion, and got to know your youngest uncle. Splendorman~


Words: 1166


《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now