[Chapter 11 - Birth at Christmas]

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You looked up to see that they came from Splendor's back, and that was the last you saw before a black like liquid pulled over the two of you taking you somewhere you didn't know.

~Update: Home at last~


~4 years old~


The last 4 months and 3 weeks went slowly forward to the future. You showed your father and the Uncles what you had learned at Fluttershy's house, and the family had told you what they had learned at home. You were amazed by their new abilities, thinking it was cool and all that.

And after that time passed like normaly, slowly but nothing really happened. Until the day when snow had already been onto the fozend birt for a few days, Slender had brought you downstairs that day and immediately into the living room. He let you down onto a red warm carpet and teleported away.

'I'm still not used to that' You thought as you stood up and walked towards you box in the living room with you toys. Picking up a few animals you then walked back to the carpet and played with them for a bit. You played with the toys until someone shouted from the front door.

"HELLO EVERYONE. RAINBOW FACTORY IN THE HOOUUSSEEE" You heard Rainbow Factory shout, after that you heard a closing door and some talking. You stood up and walk out to the hallway making your way to the front door.

"Rainbow! Pinkamena! Rarity!" You shouted running up to the three colorful friends for a hug.

"Aww (Y/N). Hi sweetheart" Rarity replied kneeling down to hug you, you ran into her arms and gave her the biggest hug you could.

"Why are you three here?" You asked letting go.

"Well you see" Pinkamena started picking you up and nuzzling you check. "We were invited here for something very special, and look! I made cupcakes just for this!"

"Oh wow, they look so good" You complimented as you stared hungrily at the see thru box with cupcakes inside of it. Before you could say anything else you felt a wind from behind, and when you looked to see what had happened you saw Trender standing there dressed up and all that.

"Ah Rainbow Factory, Pinkamena, Rarity. Welcome welcome, please come inside after you have taken off all of you outside clothes." Trender said grabbing you and anything else that the girls gave him. "Please come inside the living room when you are done"

"Hey Uncle Trender, how come that they are here today?" You asked looking up at Trender's face while he made his way towards the kitchen.

"Well. It's a surprise" Trender answered. You huffed, a bit angry that you wouldn't get to know the reason for them being over all of the suddenness. When you two had reached the kitchen Trender put you onto a stoll and all of the things on the counter in front of you. "Have you eaten any breakfast yet"

"No.. Dad took me down from the bedroom and just put me in the living room before he teleported away" You answered tired.

"Well then, what do you say about eating some banana pancakes for breakfast" Trender suggested taking out some ingredients from different cabinets.

"Yes, please and thank you!" You answered exited, Trender chuckled and started making the food. It didn't take to long but it felt like forever with the hunger that you had for the moment. But when they were finally done and Trender put the plate of the pancakes in front of you, you started devouring the food like there was no tomorrow.

《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now