[Chapter 10 - Baking and fun]

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"Follow me, I will show you your home from now on" Fluttershy said starting to walk on the road you where standing on. You immediately followed after her looking around exited.

~Update: You stay in the world of Lullaby Fluttershy for four months.~


This chapter did not exist before


The four months passed slowly, but you weren't complaining. While you were there Fluttershy taught you a lot of things, such as taking care of animals and baking. You had asked her to take you to the village downtown but Fluttershy never took you there, so never really questioned it nor did you walk out of her garden without her.

You were usually in the garden playing around with the animals while learning how to stand better. Except when Fluttershy took you inside the house to practice baking and cooking food. One time when you and Fluttershy was in the kitchen you had asked where the other ponies from the party was.

"Oh (Y/N), they don't live here. They live in another universe" Fluttershy simply said putting in a brownie dough into her oven.

"Universe? Oh yeah Dad mention that too" You said thoughtfully thinking "What's a universe?"

"Oh well, ummm" Fluttershy started flying over to you. "It's like, well. Where you and Slender lives, that's another universe from this one that you are inside of right now. So this place is like yours, animals trees and such, but everything is still different. Do you get what I am saying (Y/N)?"

"I got lost at 'you and Slender', but it sounds cool!" You exclaimed running towards Fluttershy, stocking you head towards hers.

"It's fine (Y/N), you will one day learn" Fluttershy giggled and nuzzled back. "Now could you help me feed the animals while the carrot cake bakes?"

"Sure!" you answered happily, running towards the animals food shelf.

While waiting for the carrot cake, you help Fluttershy the best you could feed the animals even though it was pretty hard for you with your small body. When you finished a clock like sound came from the kitchen.

"Yay! The carrot cake is done! Oh can I please take it out this time Fluttershy?!" You asked happily running over to the oven.

"Sure (Y/N), just remember to be careful okay?" Fluttershy said kindly getting some oven mittens and giving them to (Y/N).

"Okay~!" You answered taking the mittens and opened the oven. You carefully took out the warm carrot cake and placed it on a towel, Fluttershy clapped her hooves putting another towel over the cake.

"Now we just have to wait for it to cool down before we can put on any icing, and why do we have to do that?" Fluttershy asked walking towards the living room.

"Because otherwise the icing will melt and it won't taste as well, I know I know" You answered grumpy remember a few months ago when you had tried to put icing on a freshly baked cake. Fluttershy smiled and sat down onto the floor.

While you and Fluttershy waited for the cake to cool down, Fluttershy taught you about notes in music and writing. That's what the two of you did after Fluttershy had learned that you couldn't read, so she started tutoring you in reading and writing. Fluttershy asked you spelling questions while you played with some of the animals, this continued until someone knocked at the door. Fluttershy stood up from the floor and walked over to the door opening it.

"Oh my, is it already time?" Fluttershy asked the pony standing in the doorway.

"Yes! Sorry for not contacting you before" A cheerful yet sorrowful voice said. You stood up and looked at the doorway to see who it was, and your eyes winded when you saw the pony "It took us longer than we thought to get used to this new 'power' of ours"

"SPLENDOR!" You shouted running towards the colorful dotted suit pony in the doorway. You ran up and hugged him and he hugged you back almost immediately.

"Aww (Y/N) dear, it's been so long! How ya been?" Splendor asked letting go to look at your face.

"I've been good, how's everyone else been? Is Dad still okay?" You asked concerned, making Splendor chuckle.

"Everyone's okay, well how about that we go home? Everyone is missing you much" Splendor said stepping outside.

"Wait, the cake! Can't I take a bit of it with me home? Please oh please Fluttershy" You said pleading to Fluttershy making her crack a smile.

"Of course, we just need to put on the finishing touches. How about that you come inside Splendor?" Fluttershy asked Splendor as you ran happily inside to the kitchen. You took away the towel from the carrot cake and touched it with you hoove.

"It's done!" You shouted back to Fluttershy as she and Splendor slowly walked inside.

"Oh could you please then get the icing from the fridge (Y/N)?" Fluttershy asked leaving Splendor in the living room.

"Okay~" You answered and opened the fridge. You took out the icing and when you turned back to the cake Fluttershy had already taken out the cake from it's baking thing and put it on a cutting board. You put the icing over the top of the carrot cake making a little mess, Fluttershy smiled as she sprinkled little carrot over the icing.

Both of you giggled. Fluttershy got a knife and started cutting the cake into small cubic pieces. You got a basket from the counter and walked back to Fluttershy placing it close to the cutting board.

"How many may we take with us home?" You asked her a bit excited.

"Oh you can just leave two behind, for me and my little bunny" Fluttershy smiled placing a handful of carrot cakes into the basket. Your eyes widened.

"Really?!" You exclaimed hugging Fluttershy. "Thank you thank you!"

"No problem" Fluttershy smiled patting your head. You grinned picking up the basket running to Splendor.

"Let's go!" You said with the basket handle in your mouth, making it hard to make out what you were saying.

"Yes, let's go" Splendor said standing up from the couch. The both of you walked out of the front door. "Say goodbye (Y/N)"

"Goodbye Fluttershy! And thank you for letting me stay!" You exclaimed waving your hoove in the air.

"No problem! And I'm sure we will see each other again, goodbye" Fluttershy said waving back.

You and Splendor walked a bit away from Fluttershy's house before Splendor stopped. Splendor placed his head on your neck mumming, you closed your eyes and smiled. Then you felt tentacle like things grabbing you around your body, your eyes shot open and looked to see black tendrils with bells at their end holding your legs and main body.

You looked up to see that they came from Splendor's back, and that was the last you saw before a black like liquid pulled over the two of you taking you somewhere you didn't know.

~Update: Home at last~


Word count: 1182


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