[Chapter 5 - Slenderman's daughter]

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"Yes. 'Dad'. But let's play until then! So time will pass faster." Splendor said and got some hand puppets. "Want to make a puppet show?"

"Yay yes please!" You said exited and took the pupet with big red eyes and suit.

~Update: You felt yourself getting ready to fix something broken, you met uncle Trenderman and Offenderman~


This chapter did not exist before


After a bit of you and Splendor telling the story about the mistreated grey skinned suit guy, with the hand puppets, someone knocked Splendor's door. He got up to answer it.

"Hmm? Ah hi Slender brother! Here to get (Y/N)?" Splender asked and invited Slender into his room.

"Yes, I think it's time we have a talk me and the girl. We haven't been able to have one yet." Slender said and started to walk towards, but he was stopped by Splender who grabbed Slender's arm quickly and whispered something into his possibly ear. You could see Slender tense up.

"Really?! How?" Slender half whispered in a angry tone.

"(Y/N) asked him if she could feed him" Splendor said and let his arms fall to his sides.

"Ugh, that brother of my" Slender said and walked up to you. "Let's go (Y/N), or do you want to stay a bit longer?"

"No, let's talk Dad! I have something to ask you anyways" You smiled and stretched up your arms so Slender could pick you up.

"Where will you take me?" You asked as Slender closed Splendor's door behind him.

"I'm going to take you into my office, where we are going to talk for a bit. You know a 'father and daughter talk', I'm sure you had one of those before no?" Slender asked as he walked in a normal speed towards his office.

"No, I have never had a 'Father and Daughter talk' before. You see, my dad died when I was around a year old in an accident. We where all home, Mom, Dad and me, when he accidentally killed himself in the bathroom by hitting his head on the bathroom sink, I was the one who found him first and I kept calling for Mom and she soon came." You explained, Slender was now completely silient as you countinued. "Later, the polis said that Dad died from 'blood loss' and that he had gotten 'server brain damage'"

After that it became dead silent between you two. Slender was still walking with steady steps as you passed hallways upon hallways with wooden walls and doors. You thought it was weird, why would there be so many doors here if there was only four people livnig here. But you didn't question it. Slender stopped in front of two black duble doors, when he opened them it was like walking inside of a book paradise.

"Wow, so many books!" you exclaimed as Slender walked past some of the book shelves.

"Can you read (Y/N)?" Slender asked as he made his way to another black door between all of the book cases.

"Nooo, I can't. I haven't even started school yet" You said as you looked around inside of the room Slender had just walked inside of. It looked like an old stylish office, with empty shelves covering the walls and a table with a chair at the end of the room in front of a window.

"Mmm, how about I teach you how to read sometime? It might develop into a hobby" Slender said almost mumbling the last part as he placed you onto the wooden desk.

"Sure! By the way, why is it that all of these shelves are empty?" You asked and glanced over the shelves only seeing dust on them.

"Ah, on these shelves I am supposed to put files that will contain information about certain type of people. Zalgo gave me the order to handle all of these files as he will send someone now and then to give me those files, but he hasn't given any to me yet." Slender said and looked at the shelves himself as he grabbed a chair from the far corner of the room. "Maybe because we just recently moved in.."

"Wait really? How long is it until you guys moved in?" You asked very interested.

"We moved in about a month ago, when Zalgo gave us this house he said that one of us needed to come to the welcoming fest the next month. And that fest was just yesterday, on Christmas eve." Slender said and put down another chair next to the window. He picked you up and put you in that chair, while he took a seat in the black comfy chair next to it.

"Hey, why do you get the comfy chair?!" You asked as he turned his chair towards you.

"That is because it is my own chair, now let's talk for a bit..." And with that you and Slenderman had a long conversation about not only how much childhood damaging stuff you had been revealed to, but aslo about Trender's and Offender's weird relationship.

After talking for a while the two of you came to an greetment, Slender had told you that in 10 days two guests would come to the mansion. Slender had not gotten their files yet but he knew that those two, individuals was indeed murderers and apparently a weird bunch of killers too. Until then he and you would make a play that would not only, probobly, make the guests happy but may even heal Trender's and Offender's realationship.

"Yay! Let's do it" You happily said out load standing up in your chair. "What kind of story should we do? What should it be about? Obviously something about Trendy and uncle Offender, but what--"

"Oh no no no, it's a bit to late for thinking of that kind of stuff now don't you think? Just look outside (Y/N), it's already dark out" Slender said and turned your head to look out the window as the sun was setting the horrision.

"Yeah but that's because it winter--- OH WOW SO PRETTY!" You exclaimed and jumped down to the window and looked at the colorful sky.

"Yes yes it's very pretty, now let's see where should you sleep tonight?" Slender said and started to think for a bit.

"How about that I sleep in your room! Pretty please?" You asked and tugged his suit. Slender though for a bit until he sighed.

"Alright, but you will only sleep in their until you have gotten your own room" Slender said and walked towards you and picked you up.

"Alright. Dad." You said sleeply.

While Slender started to walk out of the library you felt yourself getting more and more tired, until you fell asleep against your father's chest. Hearing his heart beat made you calm, and you laughed a bit as well when you felt him chuckle. Sleep took over you shortly after that.

~Update: Ten days until the play~


Word count: 1195


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