[Chapter 7 - Colorful friends]

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"Alright" You said determined as Splendor closed the doors to the living room so no one would peek inside while you all practised.

~Update: A few hours until the guest arrive. Will you practice hard?

Yes <


You answered "Yes"

Good luck~


This chapter did not exist before

Key words:

(Y/N) = Your Name

(L/N) = Last Name

(H/C) = Hair Color

(H/L) = Hair Length

(E/C) = Eye Color

(S/C) = Skin Color

(F/C) = Favorite Color

(F/F) = Favorite Food

More may be added later.


(I am so sorry, but I had fun writing this chapter)

You, Splendor and Slender practices the last few hours until a knock was heard on the front door. Slender got up and walked out of the living room and Splendor ran out of the living room towards where the bedrooms where. When you both of them left you all alone in the living room you just continued to play with the hand puppets on your own.

"Now what did I tell you about eating people, Y-You said nothing sir, Well I am now! Be quiet you imbecile! S-Sir please do-on't--" You played making the business looking guy picking up a needle pretend-stabbing the weak looking employ. "That's what you get Jeremy! Now where is my brownie?"

"Aww what a cute little thing! Let me see those cheeks, yes who's cute who's cute??" You heard a woman squeak behind you as she ran up to you and pinch your cheeks.

"Ow ow ow" You whimpered as the woman snickered. You glanced at the woman and your eyes widened when you saw her, she had straight long dark pink hair almost covering her right eye and her skin color was an almost light pink. She was dressed in a skin like material that looked handmade with different colored patches, on the back she had wings stitched onto the dress and she had a necklace around her neck with unicorn like horns onto it like pearls. "Wow, pink lady!"

"Aww, yes I am the pink lady! Now what's your name little widdle darling---" The pink lady said in a baby like voice until someone cut her off.

"Pinkie Pie can you cut that out? I'm pretty sure that because of you the kids cheeks will now stretch out an as big as a mattress" A voice said behind 'Pinkie Pie' and before you were able to check who that was 'Pinkie Pie' dropped you onto the floor and turned around to the person behind her.

"(Y/N)!!" Slender screamed and threw himself forward and caught you before you hit the floor. You giggled and hugged his head. "PINKAMENA WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN YOU DROPPED (Y/N)?!"

《&quot;From child to teen&quot;》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now