[Chapter 4 - A broken brotherhood]

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You giggled and nodded. Splendor smiled at your cute face, and suggested a lot of fun games. You two played together until you got hungry, but little did Splendor know that his suited brother had listend to their convertation.

~Update: You learned about a new emotion, and got to know your youngest uncle. Splendorman~


This chapter did not exist before


"Splendor, I'm hungry!" You whined crawling out of the ball pit Splendor had in his room.

"Really now" Splendor answered a bit concerned. "I have never made human food. Wait I know! How about we ask Trender if he can make you anything"

"Trender?" You asked as Splendor lifted you up into his arms.

"Yeah, he's the Slender brother with the glasses" Splendor smiled and started to walk somewhere.

"I still have no idea who he is" (Y/N) said dumfounded, Splendor laughed under his breath.

"Well you are going to meet him in a minute, just a few doors away and his door is right here!" Speldor said happily and knocked on the light brown painted door in front of them.

"I'm coming I'm coming! Just hold on one second" A voice from the other side of the door said. You heard some stuff move around on the inside and some papers fall to the floor. After half a minute the 'Trender' preson opened up the door. "Yes what did you want now Splendor--- Aww little (Y/N)! Hello!"

You smiled and waved shyly not sure what to say.

"Trender, brother. Please can you make some human food for (Y/N)? I have no idea how to cook anything, nor does anyone else in the house" Explained Splendor a little pleading.

"Ah, I see! Sure I can make some food for this cutie, and I hope you like pancakes because that is one of the few thing who acctualy tastes good when I make it" Trender said and bend down to your level, and you giggle at his statement.

"Trender, right? And yes I do indeed like pancakes!" You said proudly.

"I am glad to hear that, now let's go to the kitchen." Trender said and took you away from Splendor arms.

When you two got to the kitchen you where pretty amazed about how dusty the kitchen was, you just guessed that they didn't need to use it sense they apparently does not eat human food. Trender placed a baby chair at one of the counters and placed you inside of it while he started to make some pancakes. After a long while of waiting Trender placed a plate of freshly made pancakes in front of you.

"Thank you Trender!" You said and started to eat. As you took the first bite you immediately loved the taste of it, "This is delicious!"

"I'm glad you like it" Trender said as he took a chair and sat himself next to you. He worked with some papers as you ate, after a bit you decided to tried to offer him a pice.

"Want some?" You asked and fixed up a small pice pancake and put it on your fork.

"Umm, sure why now." Trender answered and turned his face towards you. After a bit you started to notice a line starting to form where his mouth would presumably be, after a bit that line opened up to revile sharp teeth and a tongue. Slowly you feed Trender the pancake pice and he closed his mouth as the line disappeared from his face.

"Hey that didn't taste as bad as last time!" He said a bit surprised, you just looked at him with big amazed eyes. "Hmmm? What is it?--- OH NO"

Before Trender was even able to realized what he had just showed an innocent child you had stood up in your baby chair and looked at Trender with a happy smiled and big eyes.

《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now