[Chapter 9 - Another gift from the devil]

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All of the girls slept in the living room with sleeping bags that Twilight and Rarity made out of magic, the brothers went upstairs to their own rooms alone. Sleeping soundly and comfturbal.

~Update: You got a new memory~


This chapter did not exist before


Three months after the party with the ponies had ended Slender had come home with a box in hand. You had opened up your mouth to ask him what was in it but he ran past you up some stairs before you could be even speak. Sitting still on the living room floor, confused and a bit angry. You stood up and started making your way to the stairs yourself until you saw all of the brothers coming down the stairs.

"Uncle Trender! What's going on? Why are you all in such a rush?" You asked Trender when he ran down the stairs.

"Not now (Y/N) dear! Zalgo's presents finally came and we are going outside to try them" Offender said running past you and putting on his trench coat.

"Here (Y/N), you need to come with us outside" Slender said, stopped and picked you up. "Splendor, please stay at the porch with (Y/N) just in case something happens"

"Alright..." Splendor sighed and took you away from Slender. Splendor, with you in his arms, walks onto the porch by the front door. Your gaze following the wonderful forest and when you saw Slender, Trender and Offender stand a little bit away on open ground your eyes fasted on them.

"Alright so how do we do this?" Trender asked scratching his head as he seemed to be reading a paper that he had in his right hand.

"Well what does it say first of all?" Offender asked and looked at the paper over Trender's shoulder. The three of them kept talking for a bit before Slender opened up a box with something white inside of it.

"So we just need to put these into our arms?" Offender asked picking up a see-thru syringe studying the white like liquid inside of it.

"Yes, that's what the paper said" Trender said also picking up a syringe with a black like liquid inside of it too.

"Well, are there any side effects?" Slender asked closing the box.

"Yes actually! It says here 'After putting in the liquid inside your veins you may become more aggressive and more hungry than usual, that is why we suggest to take this product somewhere you may not go on a rampage uncontrolled.' " Trender read slowly. It was quiet for a bit before Trender spoke up again "Maybe we shouldn't have (Y/N) be here while we get used to this new 'power' "

"You're right" Slender said opening the box while Offender and Trender put the syringes back inside. "Splendor! Do you know anyone who we could send (Y/N) to while we get used to this new power?"

"Hmm.." Splendor thought for a bit. "Maybe Fluttershy? She's the only one who I can think of would keep her sanity around a child"

"Yeah sure, only one problem though. How do we get in contact with her?!" Trender asked a little aggressive. "Why don't we just send her away to a human family for a while? We can just come back to that family later and take her back home--"

"No, if we keep her anywhere around us we may kill her without even knowing it was her. I think it will be better if we send her away to Fluttershy's" Slender said putting the box in one of his pockets, walking back to the house. "Plus, I have a special phone in my office that can call people from other universes. So that's covered."

"Wha- sense when--" Trender stammered confused.

"Well how else would he have had contacted the different universe ponies to come to our house party?" Offender said giving his brother a light slap at the top of his head. "I swear, use that brain for other things than just clothes okay?"

"Oh you shouldn't be the one to say that!" Trender shouted at Offender before following them inside the house.

You in Splendor's arms got brought back inside the living room, on the floor with your toys from before. Splendor sat in front of you and the two of you started talking and playing games together. The three other brothers walks away to do their own things.

Just the next day Fluttershy stood on the front porch, ready to take with you to her world. Grabbing your little bag and your little body, she smiled down at you and you of crouse smiled back playfully.

"Thank you again Fluttershy for doing this" Slender said grabbing her hand.

"And so fast!" Splendor said in the background happily.

"It's no problem, but we really should go now. Say goodbye (Y/N)" Fluttershy as she was about to turn around.

"Bye Dad! Bye Uncle Splendor! Bye Uncle Trender! Bye Uncle Offender!" you said happily waving you hand fast.

"Goodbye(Y/N)" "We're going to miss ya dear" "Remember to always have fun okay!" "Have a nice trip daughter." Slender said after his brothers kneeling down to you level to look at you, you grinned.

"I will! Bye!" You say as Fluttershy walked away, towards a light pink and dark yellow portal before stepping into it.

After a bit of feeling dizzy you hear the sounds of chirping birds and leafs in the wind. You opened up your eyes and looked around in amazement.

"Isn't pretty?" You looked up to see Fluttershy? standing above you with a horse like mane and face looking out at her land.

"Wha- Wha- WHAT?!" You looked at yourself seeing that your body had now four legs and a long body with a tail at the end of your butt. Running around trying to caught your tail to look at it closer you fell forwards, not used to four legs.

"Oh my gosh! (Y/N) are you okay?" Fluttershy asked running towards you.

"Ah I-I'm fine!" You exclaimed standing up, making Fluttershy giggle.

"Follow me, I will show you your home from now on" Fluttershy said starting to walk on the road you where standing on. You immediately followed after her looking around exited.

~Update: You stay in the world of Lullaby Fluttershy for four months.~



Sorry for this out-of-nowhere author's note, but I just wanted to tell you all that from now on I will write the chapters a little bit shorter than usual. I want to be finished fast with this book so I can start this new one-short book. I really wanna start it okay? ;-;

Love you all~

Word count: 1083


《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now