[Chapter 1 - Winter Night]

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~3rd person Point of View~

~Moments before chapter 1~3 years old~

"Mom~, can I go outside?!" (Y/N) pleaded grabbing her Mothers winter skirt trying to get her attention.

"Sure honey, just don't be out for to long. We are soon going to grandma and grandpa's house to celebrate Christmas" her Mother sighed in a tired tone.

"Yay! Thank you Mom!" (Y/N) clapped happily. (Y/N) started running towards the door leading outside her Mother following her close behind. When they reached the door (Y/N)'s Mother helped (Y/N) get her winter coat and shoes on, when (Y/N)'s Mother was done (Y/N) turned to her Mother with happy eye's before hugging her Mom.

"Thank you again Mom! I promise I won't be late!" (Y/N) smiled happily as her Mother opened the door with a happy jumping (Y/N) going outside to the winter wonderland. (Y/N)'s Mother followed her child with her eyes as (Y/N) rushed over to the gates that lead outside, opening them and closing them behind her.

"I'm glad she is still happy" her Mother said smiling closing the front door going inside. Once inside (Y/N)'s Mother instantly frowned holding in her tears before breaking down.

In the Mother tears she threw out some short sentence, including "He's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone" and "it's her fault her fault her fault"


This chapter was called "Good bye" before.

I was about to call this chapter: "Goodbye"

"Bye bye Mom"

"The Lord himself"

Key words:

(Y/N) = Your Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(H/C) = Hair Color
(H/L) = Hair Length
(E/C) = Eye Color
(S/C) = Skin Color
(F/C) = Favorite Color
(F/F) = Favorite Food
More may be added later.


~Aouther's point of view~

You skipped down the towards nowhere in particular mumming in the meantime, you love living where you live at. You and your Mom are neighbors with your Grandmother and Grandfather plus there is a park nearby your house, with the park being close to a forest. You also love everyone who lives in your neighborhood, they are just so nice!

Right now it wasn't that dark but the street lights was alight. You decided to head towards the park hoping there would still be some kids there wanting to play and have fun. Because of your innocence you couldn't tell that there was someone, or rather something, staring at you from the forest as you made your way towards the park.

When you came to the park you became very happy and excited to see that there where other kids at the park with their parents, having a good time. A breeze of cold air came to you making your (H/C) hair wave a little as you shivered, but it wasn't long until you ran towards the other kids to play.

When the last of the other kids left the park it had become dusk making the snowy winter clouds a bit more of a darkish color. You were lying on your back staring up at the sky studding the clouds and the colors of it. After about a minute of lying in the snow your stomach started to growl.

《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now