[Chapter 2 - The Gift]

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"Now at the dinner tonight, I would like for you to not speak about this please? This is a gift for the new Slenderman, understand?" Zalgo stated turning to the Rake.

"Sure my Lord." The Rake said picking up the box placing it onto the floor for a real servant to take it. Zalgo chuckled.

"Oh this is going to be a ride" He said as he looked at (Y/N)'s box.


This chapter did not exist before


~Third person's Point of View~

Lord Zalgo called in a servant to make the present look a bit more presentable, as it didn't really look like a present that the Lord would give. Even tho Lord Zalgo didn't really have any interest with the 'New Slenderman' he wanted to welcome him and his brothers.

Zalgo walked to his office and took a seat at his desk with a stack of blank pappers, ink and ink pen already set up for him to write something. Zalgo took a papper and started writing on it with his ink pen, he wrote the following:


"Welcome Slenderman, Offenderman, Trenderman and Splendorman to our world.

After this meeting, or dinner, you are able to transprot between worlds. But you all have been given the gifts of telepotation and my own personal gift to you all. Which is the ability to have a exstra pare of 'arms', these 'arms' are called trendrills and can also be used as weapons is nesesarry. These trendrills do take energy to move, like any other mucel in body.

Unfortunately you have to take a serum for a few days to make these come to you. The serum will be transferred to you in a few days, as it's still being tested.

Now as you can see there is a box infront of you. This box has something very rare and important inside, please take care of it as it's had a ruff few days. It's name is (Y/N) (L/N), but the last name won't be nesessary anymore sense it lives with you now.

Do protect it with your life, as it will be very nesessary in the future. For me but also for you.

With deadly greetings, Lord Zalgo."


When the time for the Dinner had come Zalgo and the court was sitting at the table waiting for the guests. The court was a group of people, monsters, that had somethings to do with spooks, not your typical "Booo! I'm a Ghost". No, here we are talking about bloodthirsty creatures did not only kill to survive but killed also for the laughs, but also legendary myths that exist on the internet or also called other worlds.

In the court was Lord Zalgo, 'Old' Slenderman, The Rake and "gods" from the other worlds. Today the court had decided to throw a party for new people that was joinging their society, including the 'new' Slenderman.

The Dinner was slow but everyone had an okay time, the new recruits were a bit unsealted but of course did not show it. When the Dinner was over Zalgo asked the 'new' Slenderman to come to a separate room to talk.

"What is this about Lord Zalgo?" Slenderman asked taking a seat at a sofa that was across from where Zalgo had taken a seat.

"I have a gift for you. Sense you are one of the oldest, well umm, people in our world I think you deserve a gift" Zalgo explained as a short after called in a servant to get the gift.

《"From child to teen"》A ReWritten Adopted by CreepypastaWhere stories live. Discover now