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Mission MSAFRATST=Make Syatt And Fora Real At The Same Time

@Coratheexplora:Wyatt and I are just friends who almost failed mission MSAFRATST

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@Coratheexplora:Wyatt and I are just friends who almost failed mission MSAFRATST.




Finnwolfhardofficial: can't wait to finally meet you Layslillith

Wyattoleff: congrats on your new found love interest! I got me a new found love interest too!!!

Sophialillis: wow what a coincidence I have a new found love interest too Wyattoleff

Fillie_vanillie: ew no Cora is such a slut ew she is just using Finn for fame kys

Layslilith: ew no you. first off cora hadn't seen an episode of Stranger Things in her life when she met Finn. It took her like a week to watch it when they became friends. She barely even posts stuff about them. And she's not fucking forcing Finn or any of his "famous" friends to fucking post about her. So back the fuck up and lose the attitude before you catch these hands. NO ONE messes with my family so take your crusty ass dollar general cashier fingers and write a fucking journal for fuxks sake do you know how many people have killed themselves because of this hate. My best friend has tried to commit 3 times and Is still going through shit. So you can't fucking say a thing about how I'm over exaggerating this shit because you are just a fucking garbage human. Also why the fuck are you shipping children like before I met Finn I shipped fillie but not to the extent to where if there are even fucking rumors about him dating someone that isn't Millie you stalk this person and tell to commit suicide. You don't fucking know what people have been through what if she did. And don't go commenting omg calm down don't take things so serious. How the fuck am I not gonna take someone telling my little sister, my best friend, the best girl in the world to kill them selves. So stop spreading this hate this doesn't just go to fillie manila or whatever the fuck your username was but to all the people who even think about telling ANYONE to kill themselves. Fillie_vanillie

Coratheexplora: thank you big sis

Finn_fan: what the hell is mission MSAFRATST

Layslillith:^^^^^^. Also cant wait to meet you too finn.



Jeremeyraytaylor: hey d00d

Sadiesink: hello jere

Jeremeyraytaylor: Sadie you aren't a d00d you are a gorgeous girl💙

Sadiesink:Awwww jere thank you, you are a handsome boy as well💙

Coratheexplora: okay stop being cute and shit so I can tell everyone to go on my live and watch me make an announcement. Please and thank you.

Milliebobbybrown has blocked Fillie_vanillie!

Finnwolfhardofficial has blocked Fillie_vanillie!

*Cora's live*

"Wassa doods welcome to my live"
Cora yelled to the viewers.

"I am also joined by 2 very important people-"
She said nudging her older sister on the shoulder

"heyooo I'm Layla, Cora's big sister".
Layla said as she popped up on the screen

"And we have one more guest"
Cora said trying to get Finn out of his thoughts

"Huh oh hey I'm Finn Wolfhard Cora's bestest friend"
Finn said waving his hand

"Wow Finn did you just best friend zone me"
Cora said putting her hand on her heart

"Anyways let's do a Q&A"
Layla said scanning the comments

"How did Finn and Cora meet?"

"Oh well we bumped into each other and I scraped my knee we became friends while Finn helped me"
Cora said knowing that nobody would believe that they met in each others dreams.

"Okay I'll just read the questions"
Layla said

"Are Finn and Cora dating?"

"That is for us to know and for you to find out"
Finn said with a grin

"Oooo this one is from Wyatt, Syatt or Fora?"

"Okay Wyatt I see you trying to start something"
Finn says

"Well I have to say Syatt"
Cora said whilst Finn nodded his head in agreement

"What nicknames do you have for each other?"

"Let me tell you my top 5 from least to greatest"
Cora said with a grin

"Finnlard, finneaus, dogsoft, pepe, and bub"
Cora said

"Aww how sweet you call him bub"
Layla said

"Okay my turn"

"Coral, cora the explorer, my personal meme, c, dingus, and princess"

"Sophia says, okay stop fucking being cute and tell us the announcement!"

"Okay there are 2 announcements one I have a YouTube channel its the same as all my usernames"

"And 2"
Finn says leaning in. Then we kiss and I end the live.

Okey dokey artichokey that is it for this chapter



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