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"Come in"
Cora yelled as Mina walked in.

She yelled giving the girl a tight embrace

"hey, love how are you? "

"Heartbroken, as always"

"Hey, it's okay"

"Why am I so clueless? "

"I dont know, love but lets have some fun and go to the spa"

"Yes I really need that"

"Well off we go"


--layla's pov--

The better wolfhard
Hey layla i'm back in LA for a bit
do you think we could meet up
Not to talk about Finn and Cora just to hang
Because im honestly tired of this drama

Boss bitch
Ofc Nick be honest im tired of it too
How does tomorrow at 4pm sound

Thr better wolfhard
Tommorow at 4 sounds great

Boss bitch
See you then

~Narrator's POV~

Today was a good day for Cora. She got to reunite with her best friend and forget about a stupid boy who broke her heart.

"Cora can i tell you something"
Mina said with her strong english accent


"I'm pansexual"
She said preparing for the homophobic jokes

She said giving the British girl a hug

"Wait, you're fine with it"

"Of, course you've been my best friend for years and nothing could change that"

"Fuck now i'm crying"
Mina said as she wiped her tears away

"I love you, Mina"

"I love you too, Cora"


"Mina what did I do to deserve a friend like you?"
Cora said as she plopped back on her bed

"I could say the same for you"
Mina said sitting down next to her

"You still kept this"
Mina said noticing the small silver braclet framed on coras wall

"Of course it was the last thing you gave me before you left"
She said with a smile

"About that..."

"I'm moving back to Surrey"
Mina said causing cora's smile to fade


"My dad lost his job and we have a lot of family there"

"I'll miss you Mina"

"I'll miss you too"

"When are you leaving?"

"In 2 days"

"Oh, love dont cry you're gonna make me cry"

"Promise you will text me everyday"
Cora said as Mina stood up to give her friend one last hug

"Promise, I'll miss you"
she said walking out the doorway

Bye mina :( What do you think will happen when nick and cora meet up?

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