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10 years later

"Uncle dane!"
The little Ovalle yelled as he ran up to his godparents

"Hey josh"
Layla said side hugging him

She yelled waddling to the other Ovalle brother

He said as he caught a glance of her stomach

"Hey I'm here too"
Dane said walking up to his fiancé

Media outlets criticized Dane and Layla's relationship saying that she had moved on to fast when in reality layla and dane have only been together for two and a half  years. It seems quick to be getting engaged and having a child but she fell for dane and she fell hard. He was a great guy and was always supportive. Im not saying Nick wasn't supportive so dont get triggered. Even Quincy was a bit skeptical, but warmed up to it. They were happy.

7 years later

"Mom where are we going"
the little girl yelled to her mother who was once again pregnant with another set of twins

"Cora, I told you and Finn it's a surprise"
Dane said to his daughter not taking his eyes off the road

"We're here"
Layla said to her kids as they pulled into a small gated cemetery

"It looks spooky"
Finn said as they walked hand in hand

"It's not"

Then they walked up to four graves side by side all with names carved in them

"Mommy, what is that"
Finn said pointing to a grave

"Thats a grave, and that grave happens to be of the person who we named you after"

"There's a person in there!, we need to get him out"

"No, honey graves are for people who are gone"

"So why did you name me after this person"

"Well Finn was your dad's best friend and aunt Cora's boyfriend"

"Im not an ant"
Cora yelled

"Not you honey, the grave right next to Finn's is my little sister's her name was Cora"

"Oh what about those two"

"Ezra was your other uncle"

"And Nick was mommy's ex boyfriend who she loved very much Nick was also Finn's big brother"
Dane said

"Oh so that's why you're naming the babies Nick and Ezra"
Cora said


"Why do they all have the same number right here"
Finn said as he pointed to the number which read out '2019'

"W-well they all died in a car crash"


4 years later

"Cora come on we're gonna be late"
Finn yelled as he waited by the door

"Are you sure you want to walk to school?"
Layla said checking for the 5th time if her son had his phone

"Yes mom, I'm fine"

"Cora dont forget your phone"
She yelled handing it to the young girl as her and her brother slipped out the door

An hour later she had to go to work leaving her husband with the twins. Their work schedules fit perfectly meaning they switched days layla working 2 days and dane working 3 they both had weekends off. Layla was still in the spotlight a little bit.

Once her kids found out that Ezra and Finn were actors they watched every movie they were in, but some of uncle Ezra's movies were off limits. She had the best life she could ever imagine. People used to ask her if she regrets anything and she said no. She would always reply with "if I changed anything I wouldn't have learned everything that I have" she considered herself lucky she got firsthand experience in Hollywood and in how horrible and great love can be

This was her happily ever after. She thought it was so cliché, but Cora always talked about how she met Finn in "dreamland" and she always told herself "this right here this life, my family, and my friends that is my dreamland"

The end

And for the last time in this book


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