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1 month after rehab

Layla has been comforting Cora all week, they have been trying to get over the wolfhard brothers together. Then Cora got a text from Finn.

I'm sorry, I love you

I love you too finn, but our relationship is toxic.
Loving you is toxic to me
Hating you is toxic to me
You are what breaks me
You send my heart into a downward spiral of sadness
Its like everyone pitied me
But when they said 'I'm sorry about the breakup'
All i could think about was how much i loved you
You dont know how hard it is to not crawl back to you
Finn you have to realize that im not a toy
You cant realize you fucked up say sorry and expect me to come back to you every time
Im so done with you and your bullshit
I wont give a million shits if you start crying
Because after the countless breakdowns, panic attacks, and lets not forget my suicide attempt
Im done with having my heart broken and battered and beat up like a pinata
So, Finn Wolfhard go find another chew toy
Cause im fucking done
Im done with you
Im done with everyone saying that they're sad i didnt die
Im done with everyone sending me death threats
I'm done with seeing that stupid ass snake emoji
So in total im done with you and you're piece of shit 'fans'
And I'm done with you're peice of shit attempt at loving me
Hope you have fun with your next whore
XOXO -cora<3

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