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"Layla please talk to me, im sorry"
Nick said

Layla finally answered his call after the 30th time

"Sorry for what? Telling me you like me and that you'll 'wait for me'. And then get a girlfriend oh im sorry your 'then' girlfriend. Cause she's your fiancé now right? Yeah after all that we've fucking been through Nick I fucking loved you so godamn much. So fucking get your shit together. And figure out who you actually have feelings for"

"I'm sorry, I lied I don't nor did I ever have feelings for you I love Chanel and want to marry her I'm sorry"

"Well fuck you to then"

She ended the call and blocked him.

"Cora I'm going to the mall you wanna come"
Layla yelled to her sisters room

"Hells yess"

Cora had been feeling great and actually smiled a lot. Most of this was because her and Mina facetimed everyday. Talking to her 'friend' was the highlight of Cora's day. Sometimes she thought of Mina as more than a friend, but she always brushed it off because she 'knew' she was straight. She told herself she wad just trying to find a way to get over Finn. That was completely and utterly wrong

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