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1 month later

It's been a month since Finn, Nick, Cora, and Ezra died.
A month since Layla lost everyone she ever loved

Her and Dane have gotten close they've become great friends. And she even started hanging out with Josh and Lucas more. She's even made good friends with the 'IT' cast even though half of them are 3-4 years younger than her. She mostly bonds with Owen and Nic.

She is still sensitive to talking about Finn, Nick, Ezra, and Cora. Especially since she was informed that Nick was texting her which had insinuated the crash. Cora and Ezra's rooms haven't been touched but sometimes Layla just goes in there rooms to lay down and remember what life was like with them. She holds on to the memories. It's all she has.

She remembers her and Ezra going to get ice cream every sunday after dinner. She remembers playing with Cora even if she had no idea what she was playing. She remembers Ezra leaving for college. She remembers sleeping with Cora when she had nightmares.

The thing she remembered most was how wise Cora was and that if you laid a pinkie on one of his little sisters Ezra would be quick to set you straight. She remembered Ezra catching her try to sneak out and them not talking for a week. She remembered when Cora wouldn't talk to her for a week becuase she broke her favorite barbie's head.
It was all gone now. She couldn't laugh with them or cry with them they were gone.

Her mom had been there for her but she's still getting used to acting like a mother again. She wasn't depressed she was just sad. She missed Nick and his smile and his laugh and how the would die laughing when they watched 'Mighty Ducks'. only because of how stupid all their nickname's were and how cliché it was. She missed all of that. All the little things. Her and Finn never got along, but when she saw how happy he mad her little sister she knew she'd have to get used to it.

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