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--Cora's POV--

I yelled running out the door of my house

Today Finn is going back to Canada.

I yelled running up to the boy as he dropped his luggage

"Cora, I'm gonna miss you so much"

"Flight 19 to Canada is now boarding"

"Bye, Finn I love you make sure you call me when you land"

"Bye, Cora I love you too"
the boy said as he walked onto the plane

3 months later

--Narrator's POV--

Cora checked the time on her phone

she yelled realizing that finn was gonna skype her any second

And as if it was on queue "skype request from Finn wolfhard" popped up on the screen

"Hey bub how are you"
She said as Finn's face appeared

"Im good how about you babe"

"Just a bit stressed becuase my dad is moving out"

"Oh babe, I wish I could be there"

"I wish you were here too"

"Well I have to go im sorry I need to do warmups"

"Finn hurry up"
She heard from the background

"Jeez Ayla I'm coming"
He yelled

"Sorry I have to go"

" I lo-"
She was cutt off by he call ending.

She flopped on her bed and sighed. Finn had been acting wierder lately. Their skype calls were shorter he never responded to texts and barely answered her calls. She knew he was busy and was happy he got to live his dream but she wanted to have some time with him. She thought she was being selfish but she wasnt she was just in love with a boy who couldn't settle down. She was a clueless girl, a hopeless romantic, she was infatuated with Finn. In her eyes he was perfect and could do no wrong. Little did she know all he did was wrong. About a month into long distance finn got in contact with Danielle Cohn AKA instagrams local hoe and it all went downhill from there.

2 months later

Finn wolfhard cheating on girlfriend Cora Lilith?

Throughout this week Finn was spotted out in Vancouver with a girl who we believe to be instagram personality Danielle Cohn. As you may know Finn already has a girlfriend, Cora Lilith. Maybe they broke up or Finn got tired of long distance. Here are the photos that we took. Do you think this is Finn and Danielle?

(All of these are either blake lively and penn badgley or blake and ryan renolds)
(Also if you question blakes fashion choices just know her and penn dated in like 2012 soo)

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