Will you nominate me???

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Hey guysss so if you haven't heard ProjectIT is holding the paper boat awards and if you guys actually like this peace of shit hook or any of mympeice of shit books please nominate me because I'm desperate so ya if you like this story or any of my stories go to ProjectIT account read the rules and nominate me but if you feel that my writing is shittier than dog shit and k don't deserve an award then don't nominate me you don't have to and I will not like you anylese than I do so ya that's it guys happy holidays and I will see you💝💟💜💛💙💙💞💝💘💕 soonnnnnn💝💘💗💕💜💛💚💙💗💘💗💛💚💘💗💛💚💙💟💞💝💘💘💗💗💟💓💝💘💕👌👌👌👌👌

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