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I hate Wyatt and everything about him. I hate how when he smiles my heart stops. I hate how he makes me feel things I don't want to be feeling. I hate what he did to me last night. And I hate how I want to kiss him again.

I tried not thinking about him but his damn smile appeared in my head again. I wanted to get my mind off of things so I called the person I knew would help.

"Hey, bitch." Jack shouted into the phone, causing a small smile to form on my lips.

"Oh, hey Jack." I sarcastically say, rolling my eyes. "Can you come over?" I hopped, knowing his company will soothe the internal pain.

"You sound sad, do I need to kill a bitch?!" He contemplated, tapping his foot on the ground.

"No, I just need your stupidity. It makes me happy."

"Right. Sure, can Finnlard come?" He wondered, not being offended at all.

"Your boyfriend?" I corrected, wiggling my eyebrows even though he couldn't see me.

"You do realize you're on speaker and I'm next to Finn." Jack blushed, looking to his right to see a smiling boy.

"Good." I laughed. "Okay, are you coming or not?" I asked.

"Sure, hoe. We'll be there in five." Jack announced.

"Do we just leave Sophia on my couch or what?" Finn asked Jack.

"Her family will miss her, let's bring her home." Jack suggested.

"You never hung up." I inform the boys.

"You fucking hang up." Jack yelled, once again.

"I don't feel like it." I put.

"Well congratulations." Finn stepped in.

"Sophia, WAKEY WAKEY BITCH!" Jack screamed.

"Jack, shut the hell up." Sophia scolded, groaning as she tossed and turned.

And the line went dead.


At football practice I met up with Caleb. "Dude, shits going down." Is how Caleb greets me.

"You think?" I laugh, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"You and Millie though." Caleb smirked, nudging me.

"What about us?" I blushed, trying to hide the smile on my face. I haven't felt this way about a girl since middle school which is probably why Caleb's making a big deal about this.

"Well, are you guys da-" Caleb starts but gets interrupted.

Out of no where someone pushes me, causing me to fall to my knees. I look up, already knowing who did it.

Fuck, Gaten.

"Leave me alone!" I demanded, standing up. Caleb just stares, his eyes darting between us.

"You did this to yourself!" He shouts, making a fist. I wasn't one to fright, I've only once ever punched someone and that was in football and it's a story for later. Chosen's next to him.

"What the hell, dude!" Caleb shouted, standing in front of me.

"You guys are going to get it." Gaten told, cracking his knuckles. Chosen went over to Caleb and Gaten to me.

"Leave Caleb out of this, do whatever you want to me." I instructed as I spit the blood out of my mouth.

"If you say so." Chosen snarled, pushing Caleb away.

Truth~ Jyatt, Fack, NillieWhere stories live. Discover now