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I lay around my house in Wyatt's arms as we watch a movie on the television.

"What's on your mind?" Wyatt asks me as he plays with my hair. I sigh.

"I feel bad. Sometimes I feel like we're so far apart." I explain, looking up at him. His eyes are so gentle and so warm, I don't know how I could've ever hated him.

"Then do something about it." I just stare at him until I understand what he meant. I stood up and got my phone, texting the group chat.


Jae-Jae- I have a proposition for you all

Drama Queen- I'm listening

Jackie Boo- ditto

Jae-Jae- What are your thoughts on going camping this week?

Caleb 😐- bugs

Finnlard- did somebody just say camping? I'm the camping god

Jackie Boo- last time we went camping you made us go home early

Finnlard- that was forever ago

No-No- that was three months ago

Mills- I'm down

No-No- same

Drama Queen- me too

Finnlard- hell yeah

Jackie Boo- alright

Caleb 😐- alright, alright, I'm coming. Gosh guys, stop pressuring me

Finnlard- maybe we could benefit from leaving Caleb

Caleb 😐- that hurt my feelings

Jae-Jae- tomorrow at my place since it's break. Be there by nine and bring a sleeping bad and a tent if you have one. Oh, and food too

I closed the chat and Wyatt smiled as he read the text.

The next morning we all arrived at my place. "Four tents?" I call out.

"Check," one of them answers.

"Hot dogs, popcorn, and s'mores?"


"Packages of water?"


"Sleeping bags?" I scroll down the list, realizing how unrealistically long it was.

"Check, oh my god, we have everything." I turn my attention to Caleb.

"Excuse me sir, you don't want to end up running out of water and dying, now do we?" I snap, checking off sleeping bags. I go over a few more items and we're finally ready to go.

"Okay, two cars. One with me, one with Sophia," I announce. But then there's a knock on the door. I roll my eyes, not knowing who would be here.

Noah walks to the door and opens it. When he does, his eyes dart back to us. "Who invited them?" Noah's voice is sharp as he looks around the room, cradling his broken arm in his hands.

"Who?" Asks Millie, going to see what the commotion was about. "Gaten, Chosen, what are you doing here?" We all surround the door but Wyatt stays back.

"I came to apologize," gasp, Gaten apologizing is a rare sight. Where's my camera? "I feel horrible. I'm really sorry." And I have to admit, he did sound genuine. He looks at Millie as he speaks and then his eyes shift to Noah. "Thank you for taking care of her." And to Wyatt. "I'm happy you found friends who will treat you better than I do." Chosen follows him around while doing so.

"Why dont you come camping with us?" Wyatt proposes. Everyone looks shocked but they knew it was coming.

"I don't want to impose," there is a first for everything apparently.

"Yeah, you should come." Noah adds as everyone nods in agreement.

It was done, Chosen and Gaten will be joining us on our adventure.

In my car I have Wyatt, Jack, Finn, and Caleb. In Sophia's is Millie, Noah, Chosen, and Gaten.

We venture out deep into the country, making sure to note all the different license plates we pass. The city buildings were replaced my miles of farm land. When we reached the mountains, I knew we were there. "Wake up!" I scream at everyone in the car and they all jolt up as panic fills their eyes.

"You're so lucky I'm too poor to file a law suit against you." Jack scolds.

But nonetheless, we hop out of the car and grab our gear. "Jaeden," Caleb pauses. He takes a moment to look around. "Where the fuck are we?" There are no other cars insight and the nearest building is ten miles away.

"We're here." Everyone scuffs as I lead the group into the woods.

"We're so getting eaten by bears," complains Caleb.

"Stop being a little bitch and suck it up." I snap. I held a map that did not belong to this sight and walked in a straight line. "This is north, right?"

"Ugh," They all complain.

I drop everything where I was and place my hands on my hips. "I guess we'll settle here." There's a lake right in front of us but we're surrounded my woods.

We try to set up tents but Gaten's the only one who knows how to. Luckily, we brought it.

"Jaeden, where are we supposed to use the bathroom?" Chosen speaks up.

"I'm not sure. It sounds like a you problem to me." I set out everything and make sure no bears are getting into anything.

I took Wyatt to gather some wood with me. "Are you sure you're okay with all of this?" I ask the boy as he picks up yet another piece of wood.

He looks up at me and smiles. "You guys are good people. Hopefully you'll rub off on them." He sounds hopeful.

When we return to the camp, Finn and Jack are chasing each other. Sophia's sleeping in the tent. Caleb and Chosen are singing while Noah and Millie apparently went on a walk. Gaten just sits there to himself.

"Guys. I see a lake and no naked people." They all just stare and Wyatt grabs my hand.

"I think a bathing suit would suffice for this situation, baby." He kisses my cheek and goes in the tent to change.

I roll my eyes and before I know it, we're all laughing as we swim around in the lake.

These are the only people I can count on.

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