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Four years later


"Okay, guys, you are going to go out there and we're going to win the damn game. We're going to win as a team." The coach announced in the huddle. I looked to my left and saw Gaten. My dreams came true. In the stands was my father. He finally came back. I looked again and he was gone. The one part I didn't necessarily include was he didn't leave us, well, yes he did but he died. After my parents fought he got into a car accident and died admittedly.

I got accepted to into in the NFL with Gaten. Who knew that the day I was afraid the most was the day that got me where I was today. Who knew that being a loser made your dreams come true.

"Jermey, you know what you need to do. You and Gaten do your specialty." The coach instructed as Gaten and I nodded our heads. I put my helmet on and and ran onto the field with thousands of people in the stands. And the day I became a loser history was made.

Jeremy grew up to be a famous NFL star and married a popular singer at age 25 right out of college. He always shared his story and never forgot his friends although it's been years since he saw any of them but Gaten. Because him and Gaten became the best of friends. As a kid he never thought any of this would become a reality but he never stopped fighting until it was.


"Caleb, where are you?" I hollered into my house.

"Gaten!" He paused. He ran out of the room and tackled me in a hug.

"I'm home." I cried after being home after two months without him.

"We missed you so much." Caleb wept.

"Where's Lucas?" I wondered.

"He's sleeping but I'm sure he'll want to see his dad." Caleb still held on to me.

Yup, that's right. Caleb and I got married in our third year of college. We are 23 years old and yet the world was ours. Life was going so good for us. I had gotten accepted into the NFL and I married the love of my life. When we were 25 we decided to adopt and baby because we were ready.

Gaten retried football early to be with Caleb and Lucas but was a legendary player. Adored by many. Jeremy and Gaten has become best friends but after quitting football they saw less and less of each other until it less became never. But Gaten and Caleb never saw the other loser ever.


"Chosen, get your ass over here!" I demanded from the living room.

"What is it?" He asked, walking in.

I held up a stick and gave it to him.

"Does this mean?" He hesitated.

"We're pregnant!" I cried.

"Oh my god, Soph!" He cheered getting so excited.

"You're going to be a dad."

"You're going to be a mom."

"No, we're going to be a family." He smiled while saying.

And they were. They were the picture perfect family. Sophia had a little girl who Chosen was over protective with. Sophia was a director and Chosen was too. They worked together and because of this Sophia and Chosen saw a lot of Millie and Noah. They had a great life. And a great ending.


"Troy, come on we're going to be late!" I hollered to my husband.

"I'm trying to find the camera." He explained with his head through the closet.

"Found it." He announced.

He ran to me.

"Maddie, you're going to do great out there okay. The world is yours." I bent down to talk to my seven year old daughter. She had her very first dance recital.

"Thanks, mommy."

I got pregnant at age 18 and married Troy not long after that. Because of Jack I'm where I am today. Alive. Without him I wouldn't have made it past the dark days and into the light.

Sadie grew up to be a successful businesswoman and the owner of her own company; making millions. She always donates her money to charities in need. She has at least seven rescue dogs. She had two more kids after that and leads a happy life with her happy family.


"Come on, Ellie, where are you taking me?" I asked my girlfriend.

"We're going to my favorite coffee shop." She smiled as we entered a tiny coffee shop in the streets of New York where I stayed after college. That's when it hit me hard. I saw Finn typing on his computer with a cup of coffee behind him. His wheelchair was gone. He looked up and saw me and his eyes grew wide.

Once college started they split up and went their separate ways that is until this day in time.

"Finn." The words escaping from my lips.

He got up and tackled me in a hug.

"Jack." The tears slipping from his eyes.

They were on the floor of a tiny coffee shop- being stared at by everyone in there. But they didn't care.

"I missed you, Finn," I cried, looking into his eyes, the memories rushing back.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you."

After that, Jack lost his 'feelings' for Ellie and got back with Finn. They got married at age 27 and Finn published his first book. 'The losers'. It was about their life together and all the bad that happened. The cover of the book was all of them before college when Noah and Millie came to visit. They adopted two kids a boy and girl and Jack became a teacher. They lived happy lives until one day, Finn was involved in a hit and run. He was left dead by a drunk driver. Leaving his husband and two kids all alone.


"Millie, we have to go- we're going to be late for the awards." I announced as I fixed my tie.

"Coming." She yelled as she walked down the steps in her red dressed and our two year old daughter on her hip. My jaw dropped.

"You look beautiful, babe." I gushed.

"Thank you." She blushed.

"Shall we?" I asked, taking her hand as we once did when we were kids.

"We shall." She replied.

Noah and Millie grew up to be famous actors and role models to many. They made many new friends and haven't kept in contact in years. The last all of the losers were together was at Finn's funeral and yet that was lacking Finn and the happiness they used to have.

They had a few more kids and Noah directed and hit movie based off of Finn's book which stared all the losers in memory of Finn. And for Finn, they all made a pact to keep in touch.


"Hey, Jaeden?"

"Yes, Wyatt?"

"Remember when I hated you."

"Yes, I hated those days."

"Well, I don't know how I could have ever hated you."

Jaeden and Wyatt did get married at the age of 17. Wyatt's family wasn't acceptive at first but after meeting Jaeden they were. Wyatt was in the military but had to come home because he was shot in the foot. After hearing about Finn's death Jaeden and Wyatt rushed to Jack. Jaeden became a public speaker for those who can't speak for themselves and inspired millions.

Each loser never forgot one and other they may not have seen each other but they will always be losers. To others, being a loser is a bad thing, but to them being a loser means family. Being a loser means friendship. And being a loser means happiness.

The end

(A/N I just wanted to thank all of you for sticking with me. I'm probably a terrible writer but you guys managed to keep reading so thank you. I also want you guys to know that I'm here for anything you need. And ugh I love you sooo much❤️❤️)

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