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I hit the showers and I drove to Jaeden's. I figured everyone left considering it was 3 p.m. I knocked on the door and right away, he answered.

"Hey, Noah." Jaeden greeted, flashing me his smile.

"H-Hi." I trembled.

"Noah , what's wrong?" Jaeden switched emotion, fast. He was always good at reading me. But it wasn't always a good thing.

"N-nothing's wrong." I assured him, hoping I didn't just give myself up.

"Noah, please." Jaeden begged, letting me in.

"I'm fine." I lied, tears filling my eyes.

"Noah you can tell me Anything." He reminded me. And I knew he was right. I've always told him everything but I couldn't. Not this. Millie's familiar with how my mother abuses me and so are my friends, but no one knows about today.

"Jaeden, I can't take it anymore." I almost cried.

"What do you mean." Jaeden and I sat down.

"My-My Mom." The tears finally falling down my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. I never cry in front of anyone. Because then they'll know I'm 'weak' or so my mother always said.

Jaeden didn't need to think twice before embracing me into a tight, warm, comforting hug.

"I'm sorry." He spoke.

"Why? Don't be." I reassured him.

"Noah, I've never seen you cry. I know you always try to hold it in and not to show anyone and if you're crying I know it must be serious." Jaeden whispered.

"I know I only know what I hear and didn't actually see anything happen or even to witness what you have and I can't even imagine what it's like. Do you want me to call Millie?" Jaeden wondered, pulling apart from the hug.

"No, it's okay. I feel like you and I haven't really hung out in a while, just the two of us." I noted.

"Yeah, true. I missed you, Noah." Jaeden smiled.

"I missed you too, Jaeden." I smiled back.

"I got a new game you want to try it out?" Jaeden suggested.

"Are you serious? Duh." I joked, walking up to his room.

I feel like we could all use a friend that is always there for you, and understands you. Luckily I have seven, and now eight because I have a good feeling about Jermey. He'll make a great loser.


Finnlard- Okay, so Jack and I are disagreeing on who's stronger

Jackie Boo- Captain America or Iron man

Finnlard- Obviously Captain America

Jackie Boo- No, clearly Iron man

Jae Bae- I'm with Jack. I'm team Iron man

Wy Guy❤️- How? it's even in Captain America's name. He's Captain and everyone knows Captain is stronger

Jae Bae- Are you serious he's nothing with out his shield

Wy guy❤️- And Iron man is nothing with out his armor

Mills- Well Iron mans gear was created because of his smartness

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