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"What's happening to him?" I asked the paramedics who were trying to save Finn.

"It looks like a blood clot." They answer while they rush to get everything ready.

I hold Finn's hand as they place an air mask on his face. This is all my fault.

"From the glass?" I remembered.

"What are you talking about?" They wondered.

"We were camping with our friends and we went swimming. But when we were climbing out of the water we had to go up a hill. Finn slipped and fell into a broken beer bottle. He had surgery but they couldn't get all of the glass out." I fill them in. I use my other hand to move the hair out of his face. He was hardly conscious.

"That would seem to be the logical explanation." The same guy responds.

We finally arrived at the hospital and they rushed him into surgery, leaving me out in that same waiting room once again. I took out my phone and dialed Finn's mother's number.

"Hi, Mrs.Wolfhard." I began.

"Hello, Jack, why sounding so sad?" She asked.

"Well, that's what I called you for. They-They think Finn had a blood clot and they rushed him into surgery. And I'm not sure how it's looking." I sobbed into the phone.

"Oh my god! I'm on my way!" Mrs. Wolfhard announces, hanging up.

Jaeden, Wyatt, Jermey, Chosen, and Sophia all rushed in, running to me.

"What the hell happened?" Sophia was first to speak.

"T-they said it w-was a blood clot. Because of the fucking glass!" I angrily spoke.

"Jack, calm down he's going to be okay." Jaeden assures me.

"No, Jaeden! Don't tell me to calm down because I can't calm down. And it's not like you would understand, Jaeden! You want to live in a fantasy. But guess what? This is the real world." I flipped out.

"Jack, what the fuck? You don't need to take it out on Jaeden." Wyatt interfered.

"I need a minute. I'm sorry." I hesitated, running out of the room. I accidentally ran into some one. I knew her. She was Wyatt's old girl, Sadie.

"Sadie?" I questioned.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." She frowned.

"No, no, it's me. I'm sorry." I replied.

I looked at Sadie and noticed she was crying. "Sadie, what's wrong?" I asked, worried.

I looked back at her again and examined her. She didn't have that glow she always had. She didn't have that smile plastered among her face. Her eyes weren't lighting up like they used to. Instead she had bags under her eyes, she looked tired. Like she hadn't slept in years, and her rosy red checks were now covered in tears.

"Sadie?" I repeated, trying to get her attention.

"W-What?" She trembled.

"Come on, Sadie. I know we don't even know each other but it doesn't mean I don't care." I insisted. I tried to make eye contact, but her eyes never met mine. I want to reach out and hug her, to tell her that everything will be alright, but I just stand there as words cannot seem to come.

"That's the thing... you don't care! No one fucking cares around here!" She began to yell. I didn't know where this outbreak came from, but I do not blame her. I don't know what's going on in her life.

Truth~ Jyatt, Fack, NillieWhere stories live. Discover now