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For some reason, something pulled me to Gaten. I can't explain it and I don't think I want to explain it. But I look at my feet as they drag me to him.
I arrive at Gaten's house and door was unlocked so I barged in. Panic began to rise inside of me and for some reason I felt my breath hitch.

"Gaten!" I hollered up the empty hallway. There were no cars in the driveway so I began to run up the stairs.

I searched every room in search for him until I found a room which looked like it would belong to him. The door was locked so I had no choice but to kick it open. I walked in to an empty room and saw a door which I would think is his bathroom.

I don't know why I was scared or why I even cared. But I could not mistake the feeling in my chest at this moment.

"Shit?" I mumbled. I kicked a hole through his bathroom door and got my foot stuck. This is followed by a loud crack and excruciating pain.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I pulled my foot out of the door but I was not focused on myself.

I unlocked the door and opened it. I feel tears fall down my face as I choke on a sob.

If reading about blood makes you uncomfortable skip to the next bold

He laid there, his wrist sliced and razor blades on the floor. His body was so pale and so cold. I felt like throwing up but instead I fall to my knees, regardless of any pain I was enduring.

The water wasn't clear but red filled with blood. I place a hand over my mouth.

I spotted a note taped to the door but focused on Gaten. I reached my phone out and called 911.

Youre good

"Hello, my friend is laying in the bath tub and he committed suicide, well attempted, and he needs help!" I shouted into the phone.

"We're locating you now- hold on. Is he breathing?" The lady asked. I listened for a heartbeat and could hardly hear one.

"Hardly." I answered.

"We'll be there in ten minutes." She told.

I hung up.

I wait for a few moments and didn't hear and sirens. My time was limited and I knew it.

"Fuck that."

I took the note and picked Gaten, up carrying him to my car. I got towels and wrapped them around his wrist whole putting pressure on them.

I slammed on the gas, surprised I didn't get a speeding ticket.

I looked over at Gaten and saw the boy who was looking into the fire. It lit up his eyes. His features were soft and innocent. He's just a kid. I should've known. I should've helped.

I arrived at the hospital and rushed in with Gaten in my arms. They took him away from me and did their thing.

I went to the bathroom and in the mirror I examined myself and saw that I was covered in blood. I went to see Jack and Finn, trying to take my mind off of things - limping the whole way there.

Truth~ Jyatt, Fack, NillieWhere stories live. Discover now