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I woke up next to Jaeden. His head was laying on my chest and I didn't want to move. It felt right but wrong. I just don't know anymore. I think about what Jaeden told me about being bi and that's not me. I'm not gay, I'm not bi, I'm just Wyatt.

I notice a note and read it, hoping it'd take my mind off of things. I chuckled at the note and put it back. I admired Jaeden. He was so spontaneous and beautiful. He was always smiling and he kept it real. He didn't let society shape him, he fought against it. Snap out of it, Wyatt. This isn't you. But who am I?

I slipped out of bed and took a shower, when I got out of the shower he was just waking up.

"Good morning." He yawned. I panicked considering the fact I only had a towel on. I could feel my cheeks begin to heat up.

"Um, morning." I spit out, awkwardly.

He soon realized I just had a towel on. He too was blushing. "I'm going to find the guys and go home."

"They left." I informed him, throwing over the note.

"Great, this will be a fun half hour walk." Jaeden rolled his eyes, getting out of my bed.

"I have to go to football practice, I'll drop you off on my way." I insist, rethinking my kindness. I don't want to hurt Jaeden but he now possesses the greatest blackmail of all time. I don't want him to get the wrong idea.

"It's okay, you've done a lot already."

"It's okay, Jae." I'm so lost right now. I don't know where I belong. I don't know what I like and who I love.

He just smiled. That smile could melt anything, especially your heart. "Yeah, I should probably get some clothes on." I embarrassedly laughed, walking to the bathroom.

We finally walked out to my car after I got clothes on. "Have you thought about it?" Jaeden spoke up, breaking the silence.

My heart turns cold. "Yeah, it was a mistake. I'm straight and I was drunk." I explained pulling out of the driveway. But I knew this was nothing other than a lie. I felt something. Something...powerful. "And I'm doing this out of guilt because I made you stay here." I lied to myself, not having the courage to look at him.

"Oh," He uttered, looking out the window. I focused on the road. I couldn't help but hear the hurt in his voice, my heart ached. What was I doing?

And the rest of the ride was quiet. "And we're not and will never be friends, okay?" I remind him, pulling up to his driveway.

"Yep." He agreed, slamming the door, running to his room.



"Jack, hurry up you're taking too long and Sophia is about to puke." I hollered, banging on the bathroom door.

"Fine, I'm done." He finished, stepping out of the shower as Sophia ran in.

I fight to keep my eyes level with his considering he wore nothing but a towel around his waist. "Can I borrow your clothes?" He wondered, flashing me his famous puppy dog eyes.

I threw him sweatpants and a hoodie. He put them on and of course they were huge on him but couldn't look any cuter. "Let's watch a movie and relax since we have school tomorrow." I suggested.

"Ok." He agreed. We got out blankets and made popcorn. Sophia finally joined us and grabbed a handful of popcorn and threw it at us.

"It's on!" Jack yelled. Which didn't take long before it turned into a food fight before the movie stared.

Truth~ Jyatt, Fack, NillieWhere stories live. Discover now