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Wyatt picked me up and he drove us to the party. He wasn't kidding,
he actually brought booze

"You actually brought booze?" I snickered, leaning my head against the headrest.

"Always." He replied, a smirk forming on his lips.

We got to Finn's house and everyone was doing their own thing.

"Finally, we can have fun! Yes, Wyatt you brought the good shit!" Finn cheered, taking the bottles of liquor out of his hands. "First off, everyone has to take one shot if you want to be here." Finn began, clearly buzzed already.

Everyone but me took a shot.

"Jaeden, you have to." Jack groaned, shoving a cup into my hand.

"Maybe later." I sighed.

"Boo!" Sophia joined in.

"Leave my baby alone." Wyatt stepped up.

"What should we do first?" Millie brought up.

"Never have I ever." Caleb suggested. Luckily, Gaten was able to leave the hospital early as long as someone was watching him. Caleb volunteered and hasn't left his side since.

"Okay, everyone sit in a circle." Noah commanded. Everyone does as he says.

"I'll start." Finn volunteered.

"Never have I ever fucked." Finn thought up.

Gaten and Millie looked at each other and took a shot.

"What?!" Noah spoke up. I look at Wyatt and we both snickered.

"We were drunk." Gaten explained, shrinking back into his shell. I can tell that he doesn't want to be that guy anymore.

Millie looked down, ashamed, and Noah pulled her so she was resting her head on his shoulder.

"My turn." Jack hollered.

"Never have I ever smoked a joint."

Gaten took a shot along with Wyatt, Noah, Chosen and Caleb. "It's a football thing." Wyatt clarified.

"Aren't you supposed to be sober and clean?" I asked.

"Shh." Caleb shushed.

Then it was Chosen's turn to go,

"Never have I ever, stollen something."

Surprisingly, Jack and Finn took a shot. "What?" We all asked, curious.

"Long story short, we made a bet for whoever could steal something without getting caught would win a prize." Finn explained, a blush spreading on his face.

"What did you steal?" Wyatt wondered, as we all did too.

"Umm...well, y-you see." Jack choked.

"We stole condoms." Finn filled in. We all gasped.

"Aren't they free in some places?" Caleb grilled.

"It was a box of 60." Finn added, scratching the back of his neck but he wore a proud smile.

"And the prize?" Noah wiggles his eyebrows. Jack's checks turned a light shade of pink as his eyes wandered over to Finn.

"Confidential." Finn smirked.

"Okay, moving on, my turn." Caleb spoke up, quickly and luckily changing the subject.

"Never have I ever... done something I've always wanted to do while I was drunk."

Truth~ Jyatt, Fack, NillieWhere stories live. Discover now