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After the call ended I rushed over to the High school. I will finally be the son my father wanted. Now that I'm an athlete maybe he'd want want me back in his life. But I know that's not how it works. I go to the locker room where everyone waits for me. Caleb pats me on the back.

The coach pulled me aside.

"So, you're Jermey." The coach inspected, looking me up and down.

"Yes, sir." I politely responded.

"Well, go change, Gaten will show you everything." The man instructed as Gaten stood behind him. I changed and Gaten showed me the way. I started getting the hang of all the exercises and drills and I met a few people. Like Joe who would replace Noah, and an older boy named Charlie.

I felt like the team accepted me and it's all because of Caleb. Am I starting to like Caleb? No, he has a boyfriend and I'm straight. Am I?


It's day two of filming and it's been fun but I miss my friends. I never thought I'd miss home but I'm missing it. I'm missing football and what was supposed to be my scholarship. I miss our spot where we would hang out. I miss the fact that I'm not there with Finn when he's in the hospital. I miss everyone in general. How they always made me laugh and smile, how they always had my back, how they never betrayed me, and how they cheered me on. I got an incoming call from Caleb and admittedly hit answer.

Caleb- Noah, how's shooting?

Noah- It's fun, it's awesome
I hoped he couldn't hear the sadness in my words

Caleb- Noah, what's wrong?

Noah- N-Nothing. It's fine.

Caleb- Don't lie to me. I know you too well.

Noah- It's just hard being without you guys.

Caleb- Can you make a promise with me?

Noah- Sure, I guess.

Caleb- You are going to promise me that you'll take the set on everyday and conquer it. You'll make everyone speechless and proud just like you've always made things here. You're going to make a hit tv show, and you're going to get so many awards. And you'll have Millie and you'll always be loyal to her. And you will feel like we start to forget about you but the truth will be is we're your biggest fans.

Caleb- And we're cheering you on more than anyone. And when you're famous and all you won't forget us and you'll visit home and everyone. Please promise me that.
I could feel the tears escaping from my eyes.

Noah- How could I forget you guys?

Caleb- Promise?

Noah- Promise.

We talked for a bit and he filled me in. I had to go because I got called for set but when we stated filming the first episode I kept my promise and I nailed those lines.


Now I was alone. No Wyatt, no Jaeden, no Jack, no Finn, no Caleb, no Gaten, no Jeremy, no Noah, and no Millie. Everyone had each other so they were fine.

I just sat on the couch and stared on the wall when the door burst opened. It was Chosen wearing half of his uniform. I just stared at him with my mouth agape.

"Hey, Sophia you look great today." He smiled as if what had just happened was casual. And I knew he was lying, I looked like a train wreck.

"Thank you." I blushed as he shut the door behind him.

Truth~ Jyatt, Fack, NillieWhere stories live. Discover now