Extra: New Beginnings

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Arthit thought he'd have trouble getting used to the whole living together with Kongpob arrangement. He's aware of his flaws, Kongpob's too, but they make it work somehow. Of course, it's not without any petty arguments (e.g. Kongpob squeezing the toothpaste from the middle, Arthit leaving the toilet seat up and him misplacing the socks with the other clothes each time it's his turn to do the laundry).

While their apartment used to only have the basic necessities when they first moved it, it looks more homely now that they've added their own touch to the place. If anyone were to enter their kitchen, the first thing they would see would be the polaroids taped to the fridge with magnets, along with post-its with short messages scrawled on them. 

Don't forget to throw out the milk. - Arthit

There's pink milk in the fridge. -Kongpob

Had to leave early. Breakfast is in the oven. - Arthit

It's something with Arthit secretly likes because it feels much more personal than texting such things. With both Kongpob and Arthit working now, both of them have the luxury of finding higher quality furniture for their apartment and while Arthit won't admit it, he finds himself browsing for fucking knick knacks online at times. Who knew there were so many things you could get for your home!? Now he knows why his mae always spends hours when picking out things.

"P'." Kongpob gently rouses his boyfriend awake and after living together for four months, he knows better than to place himself in a position where Arthit might kick his leg out (it's happened once, so lesson well and truly learnt). "It's 7. You'll have to wake up now if you don't want to miss the 8am bus."

Arthit mumbles something and burrows closer against his boyfriend, "Five more minutes." He resembles a sleepy kitten refusing to wake up, especially since he's all warm and comfy under the blanket (which he had hogged the entire night). Not to mention that Kongpob smells really nice and Arthit vaguely wonders how his boyfriend does it every day. Waking up early and shit.

They've been dating for years and Arthit is still impressed at how disciplined his boyfriend is when it comes to his morning run. Without fail, from Monday-Friday. Arthit, on the other hand, still has trouble waking up on time for work.

"The last time you said that, you gave me a earful for letting you sleep in for five more minutes." Kongpob reminds him.

Arthit blearily cracks an eye open, "Maybe I should call in sick today." He feels loathed to wake up, especially since it's a Friday.

"What are you going to say to your boss? That your boyfriend was too rough with you yesterday night?"

The older male socks Kongpob in the stomach, "Ass. Who the fuck would say that?" He stretches lazily, and the sheer thought of going to work makes him want to hide under the covers the entire day. "Should we call in sick today?"

He knows his boyfriend is going to say no. It's Kongpob. Mr.Responsible. Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Should we?" Kongpob brushes Arthit's bangs away from his forehead, loving how it gives the male a softer look. "I knew it was a bad idea to go drinking with P'Bright and the gang yesterday."

Kongpob, even with his high tolerance for alcohol, is suffering from a slight hangover and to be completely honest, the thought of calling in sick and spending the day with Arthit is very tempting. Irresponsible, yes, but tempting.

"That fucker Bright. I don't know how he's not dead yet when he drinks so much." But it had been lots of fun yesterday night getting together with them and their plus ones and even if Arthit's all sluggish right now, it was definitely worth it.

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