Happy Birthday! (Bright x Rome)

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"Why the sudden urge to bake a cake?" Emma asks when she sees Rome yet again googling for more cake recipes. "I don't know if you remember, but the last time you tried to bake a cake...it didn't taste like a cake. Which is a feat in itself considering that you used an instant mix." She points out none too helpfully.

Rome favorites the webpage and clicks on another link, "A little support from you would be nice, Emma. It's P'Bright's birthday this Saturday." Double chocolate fudge with peanut butter? Sounds appetizing. "And that was because I had a really shit oven."

"Sureeeeeeee." Emma drawls from where she's seated on her best friend's bed, meticulously painting her toenails. "Blame the oven."

"This time, I'm going to test the recipe first."

Before Rome can ask the question that's on her mind, Emma's already shaking her head, "Nope, nope and nope. I'm not going to be the guinea pig and taste your cake for you. I have a date with P'Porshe this Saturday and I don't want to cancel because I've got the runs or something. I love you and all, Rome, but I love my stomach even more."

"Your faith in me is absolutely touching." Rome intones sarcastically, shooting the other a dirty look. "I'm sure it'll taste fine." He tells himself, fairly confident of his baking skills.

Emma wiggles her toes, "Maybe you should prepare some diarrhea medicine. Just in case."


Bright's having a really fantastic dream. No, nothing sexual, but he's frolicking somewhere in the Maldives and dream!Rome only has a pair of skimpy trunks on. That ass. Best view he's seen in awhile...and he just has to reach a hand out to grasp his boyfriend's hand. Yes, you didn't read wrongly. Hand. A little bit more...and the dream suddenly switches to him being chased down the shoreline by Arthit who has, surprise surprise, something sharp in his his hand. Arhit looms closer, closer...

Bright screams shrilly and jolts when he's pounced on, wildly trying to smack Arthit away and it's only when someone slaps him on the back of the head that he realizes he's no longer dreaming.

"What the fuck, P'Bright?!" Rome demands, rubbing at his sore arm where his boyfriend had accidentally smacked him. "What the heck were you dreaming about?"

Bright wildly looks around the room, t-shirt bathed in perspiration and he hops off the bed, checking under it. "I had the scariest dream ever. Ai'Arthit was chasing me with something sharp. I think it was the icepick he chased me with when we were in Kanchanaburi."

"Why is that a nightmare when it's happened to you often enough?" Rome picks up the pillows that the other had accidentally kicked off the bed.

Convinced that Arthit wasn't lurking anywhere with anything sharp, Bright collapses onto the bed dramatically, "Did I wake you up, babe?"

"You were screaming right in my ear. What do you think?" Having been so rudely shaken awake, Rome's no longer sleepy, but willingly follows when his boyfriend pulls him down to lie next to him. "What were you dreaming about anyway, p'?"

"It started off so nicely at first. We were at Maldives and you were wearing this really fucking nice pair of trunks. And your ass looked super amazing in them. Like really drool-worthy and then Ai'Arthit hijacked my dream all of a sudden." Bright groans out loud. "That was enough to kill my boner."

Rome sneakily slips his hand past the waistband of his boyfriend's boxers, "I think I can help with that, p'." The corners of his lips quirks up into a coy smile that's enough to sober Bright up despite the fact that it's only eight in the morning on a Saturday. "Consider it as a morning birthday treat."

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