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Prdsdfsl @JaeBum
It's true. The two already suffered a lot and became this strong.

" Mark Tuan @Markiepooh
replying to @JaeBum
Here's a proof that this two are the most sweet and precious thing. So you better shut your mouths, bitches."

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Yow @dahh61
replying to @JaeBum
Yeah yeah yeah yeah~

Mah @leevouge
replying to @JaeBum
I'll support you on your campaign. #ChanBaek

Tongue @inah
replying to @JaeBum
I'll donate some money for the campaign. FIGHTING!

Rizz @sirchlul
replying to @JaeBum
I love the two campaign manager. @Markiepooh and @JaeBum you two should meet and marry each other for the sake of the world.

Pepi_JY @JinYours
replying to @JaeBum
For the first time and forever~ Fighting Jaebum-hyung! You can make him fall in love. Oops! Sorry not sorry.

Mark Tuan @Markiepooh
replying to @JaeBum
You are right. Evils should vanished in this world. 🙋💙☝


Mark Tuan

Hello 😊

You know what, I love you


"WHAT. THE. HELL?? Did he really???" Jaebum shouted at the top of his lungs that even the whole world can hear his shout. He's so happy, nervous, confused and whatsoever feeling is that when your crush tells you that you have the same feeling. When Jinyoung heard his hyung's scream, he immediately went upstairs to knock it off. Jinyoung walked towards Jaebum's room and banged the door with a baseball bat in his hand.

"Yah!!!! LIM JAEBUM-HYUNG, CAN YOU PLS STOP ON SCREAMING!!! YOU'RE NOT THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS WORLD!!!!!" He shouted as he swings the baseball bat and Jaebum just avoiding it.

"Okay okay. I will. Just stop that." Jaebum is man of his word and Jinyoung knows that. So, he stopped and glared at him while exiting the room. After a minute, something notifies him and he immediately smiled when he sees who is it.

Mark Tuan
I'm sorry for that. It's a typo.
What I wanted to say is that, I love your tweets. It's really relatable.

Oh. It's ok. And thank you for appreciating my tweets.
GTG, I have schools tomorrow.

Ow. Ok. Hope to see you and talk to you for long. Bye.


Jaebum was so disappointed and pulls his hair out of embarrassment. On the other side, Mark is so nervous when he clicked the send botton. He don't want JB to misunderstand his message. Even though it's true, he doesn't want to go to the finish with such speed in the beginning. He wanted it to be slowly. He already knows Jaebum before Jaebum knows him. He's so eager to win Jaebum's heart, but he wanted it slowly.

"Dont be too fast, Mark. Take it slow." He chanted as he went to sleep.


Hi guys. Here's a short update for you. Hope you like it. 💚💚💚

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