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Pepi_JY @JinYours
It's your day!!!! @JaeBum

I would like to invite you all to our house for a PARTY!!!!!! I'll DM you, if you'll gonna come.

I would like to invite you all to our house for a PARTY!!!!!! I'll DM you, if you'll gonna come

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👤 Prdsdfsl

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Bang Chan @CB97
replying to @JinYours
I'll come, together with my friends. Is it alright? And HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEBUM-HYUNG!!! @JaeBum

Pepi_JY @JinYours
replying to @CB97
Sure. I'll DM you.

Prdsdfsl @JaeBum
replying to @JinYours
Yah! I didn't agree for the party. But thanks anyway.

BBHyun @yodasproperty
replying to @JinYours
Woah. Count me in and @baeklasproperty. Happy Birthday @JaeBum

Yoooo @Youngjaeeeeee
replying to @JinYours
Happy Birthday dude @JaeBum

Mark Tuan @Markiepooh
replying to @JinYours
Happy Birthday @JaeBum 😊😊


At 7:00 pm, Jaebum and Jinyoung's house is already full of guest. Jaebum has been greeted by all but he's expecting someone to come.

"Hey! Looking for someone?" Jinyoung approach him but he just shake his head. He keeps his self busy for the time being but still couldn't remove that someone in his head.

"Hyung-" Jinyoung approach him again but to his surprise, Jinyoung is not alone. The boy smiled at him and handed his gift.

"Happy Birthday. Sorry if I'm late."

"N-no. It's o-okay." JB slapped himself mentally for stuttering in front of the man.

"Just feel at home in here. I will just put this in my room." JB excused himself and went to his room holding his chest. Even the man is confused of JB's action, he still thinks that he's cute.

The party still goes until ten in the evening. They can't party all night because of their school and the upcoming events.


Bang Chan @CB97
Thanks for inviting us. Happy Birthday hyung.

P.S. taken before the party

👤 Prdsdfsl and 10 others

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👤 Prdsdfsl and 10 others

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Hyunjin @jinhyun
replying to @CB97
Happy Birthday again @JaeBum hyung

Kaigase @bbybird
replying to @CB97
Your all so cute, especially @darkaegyoking. Happy birthday @JaeBum

Lynn @markbumizreal
replying to @CB97
Happy birthday @JaeBum


Mark Tuan @Markiepooh
Happy Birthday. Didn't expect to have a photo with you. Best wishes.

 Best wishes

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👤 Prdsdfsl

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PCYeol @baeklasproperty
replying to @Markiepooh
This @yodasproperty 😂😂

BBHyun @yodasproperty
replying to @baeklasproperty
Ohhh. 😏😏

Pepi_JY @JinYours
replying to @Markiepooh
Thanks to me. But @JaeBum you're not properly smiling. I het yu!

Mark Tuan @Markiepooh
replying to @JinYours
It's ok. He still looks good.

Pepi_JY @JinYours
replying to @Markiepooh
Oh. ㅋㅋㅋ You're right. @JaeBum 😏😏

Because it's Leader-nim's birthday, here's my present. Well, yeah! They finally meet. What do you think Mark's gift to JB? And why Mark is confused in JB's action?

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