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Pepi_JY @parkgae
Home Alone

Pepi_JY @parkgaeHome Alone

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Jackson @wanggae
replying to @parkgae
What?! You're alone?! Where's JB-hyung? Go to Mark-hyung. Isn't it dangerous alone? Then you just post that you're alone. Yah! PARK JINYOUNG!

↪Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @wanggae
Hey! Relax. It's not dangerous in here. The hyung's are not available. They have a date 😑😑

Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @parkgae
I asked you if you want to come but you refuse. Be sure to lock the door.

Doyoung @VroomVroomMC
replying to @parkgae
Want me to come, hyung?


"Is it okay, that we left him?" Mark asked Jaebeom that is currently drinking his coffee.

"He doesn't want to come anyway. I also don't want to leave him, but he insist."

Mark just nod and finish his drink.

"Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know. It's up to you."

After some time, they decided to watch a movie together.


Prdsdfsl @JaeM
'The real happiness is when you love whatever you are doing. It is more special if you're doing it with your love.'

Thank you for this day, my love. @markthatbun

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Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @JaeM
Anything for you, my love. 😘

Bambam @doubleB
replying to @JaeM
Eww! Get a room guys!

↪Minghao_ @xuminghao
replying to @JaeM and @doubleB
Yah! Stop being jealous of their relationship. If you're mad, don't implicate it to others. Resolve your problem, you idiot!
↪Mingyu @kimmingyu
replying to @JaeM and @doubleB
Yugyeom keeps on nagging us. @xuminghao is right, you should solve your problem.

Kngn @brkq
replying to @JaeM
Wow~ so sweet. I hope I have one, too.

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Mark Tuan @markthatbun
Get a man that will make you smile without even trying. Get a man like Jaebeom, BUT NOT MY @JaeM

 Get a man like Jaebeom, BUT NOT MY @JaeM

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @markthatbun and @parkgae
I'm just securing my property, Jinyoung-ah. Y'know.

Yugyeom @kyumiekyum
replying to @markthatbun
How to get a man that will never make you jealous? How to get a man that will be possessive like you?

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @markthatbun and @kyumiekyum
What's the matter?

Yoo Youngjae @YoureJae
replying to @markthatbun
Guess, we can't hang out easily, bro @JaeM

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Bambam @doubleB
Long time no hang out @CB97

Bambam @doubleBLong time no hang out @CB97

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Jeon Kookie @taekook
replying to @doubleB
Oh~ something smelly @kyumiekyum
↪ Yugyeom @kyumiekyum
replying to @doubleB and @taekook

Bang Chan @CB97
replying to @doubleB
We should hang out more.

Changbin @seobinnie
replying to @doubleB
Someone will sleep outside the door. Hue hue

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Kind of crap, right? I've been busy this past days. My brain was drained thinking of my college entrance exam result and I just got it yestoday (NCT? 😂) And thanks God, I passed. Now my problem is, when will I enroll. Oh gosh it's too personal but I wanted to write it here. But nah, TOO personal.

Enjoy reading. Tell me about your opinion. Tell me, please.

I wanted to know in what part of my writing really need to improve.

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