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"Is it all set now? Don't make any mistakes, okay?"

"Don't worry, it's all set. Nothing's wrong. Don't be nervous. We can do it properly."


Mark Tuan @markthatbun
Someone's calling me fore the nth time. And it's so irritating! 😠

 And it's so irritating! 😠

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun
Maybe a prank? Someone who's in drug? Or maybe someone you know, but doesn't want you to know his identity? Pick your fighter.

333cyj333 @cyjars
replying to @markthatbun
Oh? Who's that? Are you going to track that or not? If yes, just tell me. Imma do it for you.

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @cyjars
No, thanks. I can do it myself. Not to be rude but, please mind your own business.

↪ Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @markthatbun and @cyjars
You're being rude just now.

Bambam @doubleB
replying to @markthatbun
Someone calls me, too. Just don't mind it hyung.

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @doubleB
Yes. But I think I need to find it out. Thanks Bam.

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Prdsdfsl @JaeM
Can you still make it? Can you still wait for me? Can you still endure the pain for the meantime? I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting you feel the pain. But please, just a little more, we'll get through this.

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @JaeM
What drama is this? Tss. You know what, hyung? If you really treasure and love him, don't let him feel the pain. What if, he is too tired in waiting and enduring the pain? What if he'll end up cutting the string?

↪ Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @parkgae
A love without pain will not last long. If that happens, then I'll take twice of his pain.

Yoo Youngjae @BAPYJ
replying to @JaeM
I hope you the best, dude. Keep on fighting.

PCYeol @byunspcy
replying to @JaeM
Woah! Is this for real? Defsoul, who have dead soul is being dramatic?

↪ Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @byunspcy
Seriously, hyung?

Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @JaeM
The question is, are you worth the wait? Don't let that person wait for so long. He might be tired and stop waiting.

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"Yah! Hyung, stop it already!"

"What d-did I just do? W-what's wrong with me?"

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you."

"But---- but why did he leave me like that? Why, Jinyoung?!"


Pepi_JY @parkgae
He's wasted. He's in pain. He have a deep wound. Stop cutting him in pieces.

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333cyj333 @cyjars
replying to @parkgae
What?! Who?!

Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @parkgae
Where are you? Who's with you? I tell you Park Jinyoung, if something happens to you I will beat you up.

↪Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @JaeM
Me? I'm just in my room. And what do you care about him? Tss.

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Tuan Yi En @Tuan_I'm 🔒
If I get tired. Can't handle the pain. You will regret it. BIG TIME

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Guys!! Oh my gosh! Thank you for the 3k+ reads. I didn't expect it, for real. This simple thing makes me happy. Thank you so much. Also thank you for reading this story even though it's not good as others.

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