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Jackson @WangGae
Please 😣😣


BamBam @doubleB
replying to @WangGae
Don't be nervous.

SophiaWang852 @MamaWang
replying to @WangGae
You can do it, my son!

Prdsdfsl @JaeBeom
replying to @WangGae
I'm anticipating it, even though I can't witness it.

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Prdsdfsl @JaeBeom

Prdsdfsl @JaeBeomReady!

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Jackson @WangGae
replying to @JaeBeom
For what?

Pepi_JY @JinYours

replying to @JaeBeom
What are you doing in the stock room?

JayJei @Nyoungie

replying to @JaeBeom
So handsome~

Kyaah @hanuna

replying to @JaeBeom
Kingina! Ang gwapo mo kyaaaah!
(A/N: That's me! 👆)

Yoo BrainJae @Youngjae

replying to @JaeBeom
Eyy~ finally you asked him out.

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JackBamGyeom set the place for Jinyoung. They are already in the chosen place to prepare it.

"Is it not done yet?"

Jackson asked them worriedly. He actually have 2 hours to prepare his self and go to Jinyoung's place.

"Yah! Don't worry. We got this. Go and fix yourself."
ment and
"Ok. But be sure to finish this and not to play with Gyeomie, am I clear Bambam?"

"Aish! Yes yes yes. Now go."

Jackson rushed to his apartment and choose some outfit for his so-called proposal.


"Hyung! What's this mess about?"

Jinyoung shouted at Jaebeom who mercilessly ruined Jinyoung's closet.

"Finding something for you to wear. You should look pretty."

"Yah! What are you talking about? Where just going to the mall. We're not even DATING."

Jinyoung said in a loud voice while stopping Jaebeom from ruining it. And he succeeded, because Jaebeom realized that he'll be late for his date--oops!

"Aish. This hyung, really." Jinyoung said in dismayed voice. He starts to pick up the clothes his hyung throws and also start picking up some clothes to wear.

He decided to wear a plain white shirt and wait till the door bell rings. When he open the door, Jackson in a white shirt with a denim jacket on it shocked him.

"Let's go?"

Jackson said without stuttering, but deep inside his heart is beating so fast. Jackson drives slowly to their destination to make sure that the maknaes a.k.a the crazy couple did their job. When they finally arrive, Jinyoung is a bit confuse because there is no one in the mall. There is but you barely see them.

"Is this a haunted mall? I can barely see people in here."

"If this is haunted, I wouldn't let you go in here."

Jackson said in a serious tone, but Jinyoung just shrugged it off. They started to walk to the entrance and suddenly the lights turned off.

He is so confused right now and a little bit scared because it's too dark. But he was relieved when the lights came back but it only focuses on Jackson, which is already in front of him while holding a mic.

(Play the Multimedia if you want.)

"Nyoung-ah, I really don't have something to buy or what. It's also not true that no one wants to come with me. Honestly, I really think of giving up that's why I drank alcohol with Bambam. But the day after that you chatted me, that you're going with me. I really can't believe it, that I even hit myself with a frying pan. I thought I can't do it. I thought my feelings for you will remain unknown. But your one chat changed it. Park Jinyoung, can you be the Park Gae of Wang Gae?"

Jinyoung is so damn speechless. He remembered what his hyung said. He'll admit it, he really did loved the man and will always be. He almost teared up when someone shouted.

"Jinyoung-ah! Take it so that we can eat already."

He almost throw the thing nearby him when he saw who is it. It's just a lucky day for that man because he still have a question to answer.


I'm always yours.".


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