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Mark Tuan @markthatbun
Yah~ why do you need to look like that? Why are you so handsome asf? Why do I love you so much? -@JaeM

Mark Tuan @markthatbunYah~ why do you need to look like that? Why are you so handsome asf? Why do I love you so much? -@JaeM

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun
Why do you need to be such a f?

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @markthatbun and @parkgae
Why do you need to say that and be jealous? Why do you need to piss me off? You should focus on @wanggae !

↪Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun and @parkgae
Hehehe. I'm just kidding, hyung.

Bambam @doubleB
replying to @markthatbun
How to have a boyfriend like him?

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @markthatbun and @doubleB
How to kill a brat? Yah! You already have a @kyumiekyum, what is your problem?!

Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @markthatbun
I love you to the infinity and beyond 😘😘

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Yugyeom @kyumiekyum
Good to see you again, bro~

Yugyeom @kyumiekyumGood to see you again, bro~

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Jungkook @kookiekim
replying to @kyumiekyum
Uh-oh. Bro~ you need to chill.

Minghao @SVThe8
replying to @kyumiekyum
Srsly, you really need to chill and calm down.

Bambam @doubleB
replying to @kyumiekyum

Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @kyumiekyum
You look awful. But srsly speaking, what's happening to you two?

333CYJ333 @cyjars
replying to @doubleB
What's with you? You don't even dare to look or talk to each other when you're in the dorm.

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Jackson @wanggae
I miss you so damn much. 😭😭 My @parkgae, my everything.

 😭😭 My @parkgae, my everything

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Bambam @doubleB
replying to @wanggae
Oh! Wassup, man! You came back to Twitter after how many years.

↪Jackson @wanggae
replying to @wanggae and @doubleB
I've been very busy these days. But I'm always updated on what's happening. What happen?

↪Bambam @doubleB
replying to @wanggae and @doubleB
You should take care of yourself. Jinyoung-hyung will be mad. 😏😏

Qin Fen @fenfen
replying to @wanggae
Jia Er? 😱

↪ Jackson @wanggae
replying to @wanggae and @fenfen
What's up! 😏😊

Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @wanggae
Where did you get that? And I miss you, too, my king. 😘

↪ Jackson @wanggae
replying to @wanggae and @parkgae
I have my ways, my peach. 😉

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Prdsdfsl @JaeM
Can I get one, too? You're always with her. You gave her kisses, but me...

Yugyeom @kyumiekyumreplying to @JaeMJust be thankful hyung, that he's with you

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Yugyeom @kyumiekyum
replying to @JaeM
Just be thankful hyung, that he's with you. And your rival is only a dog. 😏

Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @JaeM
Someone's sulky, @markthatbun

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @JaeM and @parkgae
He'll not, later. 😏

333CYJ333 @cyjars
replying to @JaeM
Yah! What are you doing with my coco?

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Hi guys. I'll just wanna warn you that the next chapter will be so short. When I say short, it's literally short. And I'm sorry in advance ✌

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