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Mark Tuan @markthatbun
Goin' somewhere :)

Mark Tuan @markthatbunGoin' somewhere :)

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honey @jaiii
replying to @markthatbun
Oh my gosh! Is that, @JaeM?

Jeym @bunnie
replying to @markthatbun
Looks like a date.😏

Princess Look @queenverse2
replying to @markthatbun
Couple that will make you go insane.

Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun
What the?! @JaeM I thought you're going to your hometown?!

JeiPep @Hoooked
replying to @markthatbun, @parkgae and @JaeM
Oh. My. Gosh. Does @JaeM want to introduce @markthatbun to his parents?!

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Pepi_JY @parkgae

hat a day to start. Waking up beside him is so priceless, and I don't want to end it.

 Waking up beside him is so priceless, and I don't want to end it

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Yixing @myeonsheep
replying to @parkgae
Stay strong you two. And I'll take care of your gae while his in China.

Jiyeon @queenjiyeon
replying to @parkgae
Ooh.. waking up beside him, huh? Well, congrats you two. Hope to see you again, Jiroungie 😃😊

Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @parkgae
No mess in house, okay? -jaebum

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Mark Tuan @markthatbun

om nom~ Thank you Uncle Lim!

om nom~ Thank you Uncle Lim!

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Jackson @wanggae
replying to @markthatbun
Wowowow! Why didn't you invite me?

Honey @jaiii
replying to @markthatbun
It's more delicious because it was cooked by your father-in-law, right?

Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun
What's this?! I'm so upset @JaeM ! Uncle Lim didn't cooked for me like that. 😣

JeiPep @Hoooked
replying to @markthatbun
It isn't clear to you guys? These two are probably dating. And my prediction is right. @JaeM 's father didn't cooked for his son's bestfriend. And it's somehow fishy. 😏

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
Explain yourself @JaeM ! We are waiting for your lame excuse. 😑😒

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Jejepi @nyoungbum
replying @parkgae
Yas yas! Your boy needs an explanation!

JeyPi @JinJae
replying to @parkgae
Your bestfriend is upset. We are confused. We all need explanation. 😂

Jackson @wanggae
replying to @parkgae
What's happening? 😐

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Prdsdfsl @JaeM
Something's don't need an explanation.

Dad wants to tell you that, you never let him cook for you @parkgae. Your fault not mine 😂

 Your fault not mine 😂

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @JaeM
Not that thing! The thing between you and MT!

JamieJimin @parkjimin
replying to @JaeM
What's with the picture?

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AhgaChe @streamLOOK
Saw couples(?) at the airport. Aren't they sweet?

 Aren't they sweet?

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Pallen @awget
replying to @streamLOOK
Oh my gosh! It's @markthatbun and @JaeM

JeiPep @nyoungbum
replying to @streamLOOK
Is it real? Not just a simple look a like or twinning? If yes, then I'm going to celebrate! Right NOW!

AhgaChe @streamLOOK
replying to @streamLOOK
Uhmm. Guys, easy there okay? I don't know who they are so please calm down.


Hi guys!!!! I'm very sorry if I updated just now. I'm just so busy at school. Y'know school things, defense of research paper and such. And ahgafam! Let's stream for LOOK in YT and in any Korean platform. FIGHTING AHGASES! DON'T LET THOSE ANTIS RUIN OUR BOND. LET'S REFRAIN FROM GETTING INTO A FANWAR. 💚💚💚💚 I HAVE MY EYES ON YOU. 😂😂😏

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