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BamBam @doubleB
So drunk @WangGae. Tsk.

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Yugyeom @dandelionYG
replying to @doubleB
I'll fetch you. Don't go anywhere.

Jacky @wanggy
replying to @doubleB
Ohmygosh! What happen to him?

파우시 @요고나
replying to @doubleB

SophiaWang852 @MamaWang
replying to @doubleB
What happen to my son?

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Pepi_JY @JinYours
I'm sorry.

Pepi_JY @JinYoursI'm sorry

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Prdsdfsl @JaeBeom
replying to @JinYours
Just accept his proposal.

Peach @Thighssssss

replying to @JinYours
Our Jinyoung is sad. Why is that?

BamBam @doubleB

replying to @JinYours
He keeps on saying your name in his sleep.

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✔seen 10:49 pm

seen 10:51 pm

Did you talk with Jackson?

seen 10:55 pm

No. Why?
✔seen 11:00 pm

I know what you feel.

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