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Beautiful lights.

Loud cheers.

Contagious laughter.

Those things are being witness right now. But for me, it's just a simple boring day.

"On cue!"


"This performance is for our beloved friend, brother and special someone. We pray for his fast recovery."


That day was a nightmare. Seeing your other half lying on the ground, unconscious. He was a victim of hit and run. JB's head bumped really hard that until now he's still unconscious. It's been a week since that day happen.

"When will you wake up? Love, I really miss you."

"Hey~ take a rest, hyung. Go home and rest."

"Oh! Jinyoung! I'm not tired at all."


"Mrs. Lim? Take some rest. I'll take over here."

I said to Mrs. Lim when I saw her beside JB's bed. She just smile at me.

"No, I'm fine. I already take a rest."

"He still doesn't wake up?"

I asked her and he just nodded. When will you wake up, my love?


Mark Tuan @JBeloved
I miss you so much, my love. I miss your touch, your laughs and such. I love you and will always be.

 I love you and will always be

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