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So hey! That's for April Fools Day! Hope you didn't take that seriously. 😔 I will NEVER take this down, mark my word. And if you didn't read my update last night, kindly read it first before this. Thank you!!!!!


Prdsdfsl @JaeM
Getting ready. You ready? Accompanied by @cyjars

 You ready? Accompanied by @cyjars

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Pxx @lynx
replying to @JaeM
Woah? You in drugs? What's with the effect?

Jloe @derk
replying to @JaeM
Why so serious?! You planning something?

Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @JaeM
What's this? Yah! Hyung~ what are you doing? Why are you like this? Are you even serious with him?

↪333cyj333 @cyjars
replying to @JaeM and @parkgae
Jinyoung-hyung~ take it easy. Were not doing anything wrong. What we are doing right now will surprise you.

Prdsdfsl @JaeM
replying to @parkgae
What? I'm not doing anything. And what are you even saying?


Jinyoung burst out of Jaebeom's room and shocked the older.

"What's with you?"

Jinyoung asked JB as soon as he enter the room. But JB just creased his forehead from what he hear.

"I should be the one asking you that. What's with YOU? You just burst out of my room and ask me that question."

"What's the real score between you and Youngjae? You seem to hang out with him lately."

JY smirked in annoyance. He never imagined that the older will be like this. He hangs out with Mark recently but now he's already with Youngjae.

"What's wrong being with Youngjae? In the very first place we really hangs out. What's your point? Just tell me already."

JY take a very deep breath as he don't want to be mad at his hyung.

"What are you doing with Mark-hyung? Are you playing with him? I'm telling you, hyung. Don't mess with him, don't you ever make him cry."

Jinyoung didn't let JB talk as he immediately go out and slam the door. JB just sighed and mess his hair.

"Aish! It's driving me crazy. This plan is driving me crazy. Fxxk! Just wait, until this fxxkin' plan be over."


Mark Tuan @markthatbun
Alone but still happy.
Being alone doesn't mean you're lonely
It just make you even stronger, for you don't have anyone at your side.

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Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun
Yes. You're right. Sometimes in life, you doesn't need the so-called 'life partner'. All you need is a trusty worthy friends, family and God.

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @parkgae
What's with you today? You sounds like you're pissed. What happen?

↪Pepi_JY @parkgae
replying to @markthatbun
Oh! You hear me now? Great! But seriously, pissed is UNDERRATED. It should be mad.

Holly @molly
replying to @markthatbun
But sometimes, you also need that so-called 'ME'

↪Mark Tuan @markthatbun
replying to @molly
Excuse me? We're not even, Holly. So stop your illusion.

Jackson @wanggae
replying to @markthatbun
Tired already? I think you should STILL wait just a little longer. But it's up to you. If you want to be happy, endure the pain for now.


"Yes, I already set it up. Don't worry."

The person behind the phone said as if his confident.

"Thank you so much. I owe you one."

"Nah dude. You owe me BIG TIME. Just make sure that it'll succeed or else you know what will happen."

"Oh right, right. I get it. I'm making sure of it. Thank you so much."

The man nervously look at their plan which will decide whether it will be a success or not.


Thank you so much for reading this.

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