S2 Chapter 2

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Season 2 Chapter 2


You open the door to the cellar, and it's unlocked, just as expected. You look inside. You haven't been here in almost two years. Of course, every square inch of the basement is covered in pool tables, minibars, and lounging areas. You spot the staircase to the main floor at the other end of the room and head towards it.

Once you're upstairs you breathe a sigh of relief. No one is home, just as suspected. You look around. You're in one of the living rooms, and you try to remember where the staircase to the second floor is. You walk around until you find them, and once you're at the top you walk down the hallway to the left, where Taylor's room is. Once you're in you immediately sigh. The room is filled with heaps of clothes, makeup, and shoes. How were you ever going to locate the ticket in this mess? You start looking, and after about twenty minutes has passed, you hear a sound downstairs. You rush to the window and see a team of women pulling vacuums and cleaning supplies out of a van. Oh no, the cleaning ladies. You try to think of what to do. If you hide, you'll be there for hours, but if you try to escape one of them might see you. In a panic, you decide to write a letter on the door, telling them to not clean Taylor's room. You stick in on the door and walk quietly towards the closet. You turn on the light switch, and when do turn around, you're staring face to face with the tickets. Yes!! You think to yourself, as you grab them off the shelf they're on. You start hear footsteps coming up the stairs, and you hold your breath.

"There's a sign on the door." One of them says, confused.

"Don't ask questions, it's just one last room for us to clean anyway. Besides, that room is full of crap up to your knees." The other one replies. You hear their footsteps get farther and farther away. It seems like hours you wait in there until one of them says,

"Alright let's go to the basement." You breathe a sigh of relief. Once they're down there, you quietly but quickly run downstairs and out the front door and don't stop running until you're in your car.

"Yes!" You lean your head against the steering wheel, relieved. You drive home, smiling the whole way. You were going to fix things with Jack.

Jack's POV

I had just arrived in LA, and the boys and I all met up at the house.

"Great to be going back on tour huh?" Corbyn asked.

"Yeah.." I said, not making eye contact with him.

"Yo Jack, how are you not psyched? We're going to be on the road for three months! Believe me, once we're out there you'll forget about Y/N" Jonah asked. He saw the expression on my face when he said that and added "well, I don't mean forget I just--" but I got up and left before he could finish his sentence. I didn't want to be around any of them.


When you got home you were so excited, you thought it'd be impossible wait two weeks until the tour. You knew it'd all be worth it once you saw Jack's face when you showed up at the meet and greet.


The next chapter has me CRYING OMGGG

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